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Bashkier - player log

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Age: 16

Gamertag: Bashkier

Gender: male

Reference(Person who told you about us and led to your joining):
I believe some1 sent me a messege when I was in a bad co 2 game

Playstyle: Defensive/ Agressive when needed

-Strengths: team player

-Weaknesses: Dont have any that I can think of

Favorites: Bad co 2, COD4, GOW 2

Video game of all time: Bad co 2

Map from any shooter: ARICA HARBOR Bad co 2

Weapon from any shooter: M416 Bad co 2

How long have you been gaming?
I have been gaming for over 8 years now started with a xbox and halo 1 & 2

First Console? Xbox

First Shooter? Halo

Would you be willing to be changing your gamertag to have AsF in it?
Idk since its not really a clan only a community

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AsF Remorse probably sent the message on Bad Co 2. nice to meet ya, send me a friend request sometime and we'll play some battlefield. gamertag = AsF EXzachLY

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