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Posts posted by princesskiwi

  1. Forum Name: princesskiwi
    Pet name: kiwi mango
    Text/Items: Mango Bumps and Lot's of loves and cute stuff!
    Size (Standard size: Avatar 100x100, Signature 400x100): ok like ur example
    Order (Signature/Avatar/Both): Both
    Colours on Sig/Av (Optional): pinkish and a little bit of purple
    Pic. of pet:
    Payment: 1GMB and 1BMB :blink:

  2. Hello, I would like to order a siggy and ava
    Here's my pet's pic:

    Can I have my siggy and ava sort of like this 3D style:
    The one like puppy luv's siggy and ava

    theme for siggy: Fairy Tale ( I would like a place sort of like cinderella's) with grass, flowers and stuff and lot's of cute little animals! but without the blue sky, like a 3D! ( and make it look a bit like snow with tiny little bit of snows on th grass)

    words I would like in the siggy and ava is: snow princess

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