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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. How can some one make a mistake like this thick or wot? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-15902507
  2. We could keep the doors open but we don't always go to the same party unless this as become a night club or a wine bar lol.....save venue different title....
  3. Your welcome Stu, its always good the next morning to sit with a cuppa tea and a bad head and flick though the clips that you missed or want to check out again. Right now I searching around for the Coldplay CD
  4. I watched that a few weeks ago Stan bloody good film mate
  5. I play every clip posted there all good but the ABBOTS ALE is taking its toll, so I may get dazed and confused so don,t think I a miserable old sod if I don't reply keep on aposting all night long enjoy the ps the missis thinks theres a bird on here DOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!!! Now Claire wants to be a member but the gender thing don't work for ?????
  6. Morning Stan you got a call for a pick up outside finos some chicks for the good clip Dick, Rory dig um out wow!
  7. Yer nice one Stu Cold play good driving music for blagging over to Wales!
  8. Quality Dick QUEENS OF THE STONEAGE well sick dunno about this one.
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