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Posts posted by HYPNOHEALER

  1. Hi guys, thanks for the warm welcome, just what I need in these days of attempting to estlish my practice, Some one asked whats my ride, bit personal eh, nah only kiddin man, I ride a 99 chocolate Busa, and it is a MINTERRR, I have had three Busa's. well still have two, but selling one. long story thayt involves a total tit on the wrong side of the road three years ago and my forst love, chocolate Busa was killed out right, but my son survived!, the one I am selling is a blue and white one with orange day glo in it, 22500 miles, and lots of extras, with new pilot tyres. Any way enough of that waffle, so I am new here, and I hope to make some god new dudes as mates. stay well ride free and safe, kep an eye out for mr plod.

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