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Posts posted by MyPeace

  1. I keep dreaming that my husband wants to hang out with his cousins and party and that we are having marital problems. They are very close. Last night I dreamed that we were about to get married, and I went to the church but he had stood me up. I remember thinking in the dream - what!!! I told him to just tell me if he didn't want to get married and not to humiliate me like this in front of everyone. One of his cousins said that he had changed his mind and did not want to get married anymore. He had gotten an apartment and bought things like colored towels - three different colors - one was coral. I think another one was blue - can't really remember. I usually buy white towels because I can bleach them, and they look spa-like to me. I remember thinking, he must not of liked white towels. Thank you so much for any help!
    Blessings and Peace,

  2. I know that sometimes losing your teeth in dreams means death of someone close to you, illness, etc. However, I've also heard that certain teeth represent certain things - like molars representing close, foundational relationships. Possibly representing that you will lose a close friendship/relationship if dreaming about losing them. I had a dream where I lost both of my top two canine teeth. After losing them, I had two canine teeth still in my mouth, but they were broken. I tried to put my teeth back in my mouth that had fallen out over my teeth, but they wouldn't go back. I have looked around for the prophetic meaning of these teeth to no avail. I had this dream about a month ago and remembered it while reading some of the other posts about teeth. Any help and prayer for this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you soooo much.
    Much love,

  3. Hello all! I actually heard this out loud last year. I felt that The Lord or The Holy Spirit was the one saying it to me, but it didn't come to pass so now I wonder. I heard last July, "By this time next year, I will make you an international model". Well, nothing has happened. Also, I heard a voice say "I am going to make you a lampstand" on a seperate occasion. Any insight would be appreciated.
    In Christ's Perfect Love,

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