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Posts posted by Michelle

  1. Hey, I think I know what this dream means but it can also mean something else. Do you have any problems of trying to forgive this person? The reason I ask is because you were in an unfamiliar neighborhood with your ex girlfriend who you still have a grudge towards. The word unfamiliar caught my attention. Does trying to forgive your ex make you feel uneasy? Also, are you a Christian, have you ever gave your life to the Lord? The reason I ask because God may be speaking through this dream to you about your ex girlfriend and I can't make an accurate interpretation without knowing if you've ever had a relationship with God before.

  2. This sounds like a really good dream. This dream was obviously from God. Whenever you dream of being in a car it represents your ministry. In your dream you told the lady that you prophetise only when God tells you, meaning you are obedient to the voice of the Lord. It sounds to me that God is going to bless you for your obedience. Your hands reaching toward and right through the car means that your faith level is going to reach heaven to where God is supernaturally going to make a provision for you and your daughter. Hence, the opening of Heaven and in your hands were two silver butterflies. Silver is wealth, a type of precious metal and butterflies are a precious insect and their beautiful. This is a great dream, God is going to bless you and leave an inheritance for your daughter also (note the two butterflies). Not just in wealth but in all areas of both of your lives and ministries. God is showing you what he has in store for both of you if you would stay faithful to him. This is also a dream of encouragement by God. Butterflies are once catterpillars. The butterflies represent the glorified body that he is going to give to all those who overcome. God is showing you and your daughter the Glorious inheritance he has for both of you on this earth and the life to come.

  3. I believe this means that the Glory of God and the knowledge of the Glory of God is manifesting and going to manifest more, because the horizon represents where the heavens meet the earth. In Habakkuk 2:14 the bible says "For the earth will be filled witht he knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." There is water all over the earth and light is faster than anything on the earth. In the Glory of God there is no time or limit. So when you were thinking in your dream how hundreds of miles away the light may seem it still was very bright and traveled far. The Glory of God is coming very soon and its going to spread fast and strongly on the earth. The telescope directly in front of you was supposed to be used to examine the light. Its like God was trying to tell you I'm directly in front of your face. Telescopes are used to look at things that are very far away such as stars (which are very big), to look at objects as if we were really there in space. You didn't need the telescope because God's Glory is already here on earth and he's bigger and closer than we think.

  4. When I first got saved I had a dream where I was walking down the right side of a road and there were cars that had stopped and people were looking to the sky and pointing and I looked up and saw Jesus in the clouds with his eyes blazing white like fire and souls that looked like white pale ghosts all unified going towards Jesus. I knew it was the rapture of the church and I was hoping that I would make it and I waited to see if I would go up also. All of a sudden I saw one of these pale like ghosts go right through me and I started to float into the air and I saw I reached till the middle of the sky I saw my husband and we were both happy and joyful that we made it and were going up. But suddenly we were going back down. That was the end of my dream. Can anyone please help interpret this dream.
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