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Posts posted by anapeso1

  1. One week ago; looked up to sky saw a white dove, looked down then back up again saw the dove again trying to fly... found myself on a beach many thousands of people ... shortly tidal waves started from the ocean towards us and I with the other people started running towards the higher part of the sand/beach trying to get to higher land... when the wave hit several people went with the wave and drowned... then another wave came much stronger & powerful from the last and again I and several other people started running away. Wave again reached some people and those people drowned... this pattern continued over and over the waves were getting stronger and stronger there was less and less people alive left. The waves continued to come higher I climbed a tree and held my breath the water went way over me and I just waited for the water to go back into the ocean... again this happened several times... at one point a bus pulled up and dropped off several people including an aunt of mine, my aunt got pulled in with the waves and died. We were there for what seemed several days I found some stairs and I tried escaping through the stairs and would hold my breath for every wave that came through I was telling other people (those that still remained alive) to hold their breath... then I woke up. Is this a challenge I will be facing that I will be overcoming? Could it be physical or emotional?
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