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Posts posted by lisa_calhoun

  1. yes, i mean it's not something that i sit and stew on, but it is bothersome. i really dislike to say this but i'm starting to get jealous. i have friends who have no intrest in marriage, no intrest in God; pretty worldly individuals. don't get me wrong, i love them we've had a long history and at times they have been the answer to my prayers (weather they like the way i put that on not), but they have a side that just has never grown up and decided that there is something more to life than life, and yet they have 4, 5, 6 children and then complain over it. sometimes i just don't get it.

  2. well for the first question probably longer than it should be, a couple of years maybe. for the second, i've had two successful pregnancies that resulted in two wonderful children but have been wanting to have another, my youngest is 6 now, my oldest 8. they happened so easily. i wouldn't really say we are trying, but i would think in these 6 six years that there have been plenty of opportunities, we have never taken preventive measures, but still no more babies and i don't understand why. do you think that's it that maybe i kinda stressed myself into the dream?

  3. i'm worried about talking about or even posting the details of the dream. it seems innapropriate, however i am very disturbed by it and can't seem to let it go. i don't remember all the details what i remember is that i felt uncomfortable in my lower frontal unmentionable area and i reached down to see what was wrong and i felt something inside when i pulled the object out it was a little plastic sandwich pick and then i became aware of a nail that must have been with it because it was then in my hand as well. this dream has really bothered me. i'm sorry if my bringing it here has offended anyone, but i have been so bothered by this dream and can't get it out of my head.
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