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Posts posted by bry

  1. Hi guys. Got any thoughts on this this dream:

    I was in a hotel that was on a beach overlooking the water with 2 other people I knew (but I couldn't identify them). We watched as a man in a gorrilla suit walked onto the beach. He was wearing bright green boardshorts over his suit. He looked at us then started walking down the beach. We could see a current of flowing water on the beach leading to the ocean and we yelled out to the gorrilla man to stop walking towards it or he will get swetp away. He ignored us and got swept up by the current and into the ocean where he sunk straight away. My 2 friends told me to go save him so I went to the balcony of the hotel and was going to jump into the water but it was too high. Instead I ran out of the hotel and onto the beach. I could see a group of families (parents and children) playing near the water. I yelled out to them to help me save the gorilla man. All the kids said they wanted to help but all the parents held them back and frowned at me. So I jumped in the water alone and swam around looking for the gorrila man at the bottom of the water. I couldn't find him and the dream ended.
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