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Posts posted by cacb

  1. Hi,
    Please advise if you can.I have been having some difficulties in my Church and I am considering leaving.
    I am still there at present because I am responsible for the Praise and Worship Team and the current co-ordinator is away till late December.I am also a liitle hesitant because of the many relationships built over the time I have been there etc.
    I had a dream recently that I was with some members of the Praise Team in a room and I was relaxed and happy.I was lying on the table on my tummy with my feet up.
    There was a man in the room with us with a very white shirt and I felt very drawn to him,I could not see his face but I thought he was one of the leaders in my Church.
    He walked out of the room and I looked at him and wanted to follow him out.
    In the next scene, we were in a school building and I was out in the coridoor.It was a glass coridoor with many doors all along it.
    I noticed there were people in the classes behind me learning but I was standing near the first door.
    A lady came and said to me "we have had a meeting and have been asked to open these doors."
    She opened the first door and put a stone there.
    I wanted to go out because the building was very stuffy and the doors had been closed a long time,but I just stood there.That was how the dream ended.I just wonder if it relates to my Church situation.

  2. Hi,I am a new user.I had a short but clear dream that I was in an interview setting in my bedroom and i was witnessing another person being interviewed for a job that I had also applied for.This person did not answer any of the questions except to say they were interested in the role and willing to learn.Later the interviewer turned to me and told me to answer the questions why,when,how,what about the job either in writing or whatever method i wanted to use.I knew all the answers I wanted to give and was really excited.The dream ended just as I was about to have my turn.Please help.
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