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Posts posted by reebear

  1. Sometimes my dreams are fuzzy, I've often thought that maybe I needed to fast more in order for my dreams to be clear. Have you found that fasting can bring greater clarity to your dreams? I dream just about every night and some stick with me but I can only see part of the dreams.

  2. My husband dreamed that he and a good friend of his (whom he is going into business with) were in an old building and they were being paid to spray rats and spiders with some sort of spray that was to freeze them so that they could be put into a box and turned in to someone. The problem they encountered while doing this was the rats would stay frozen after only one spray but the spiders would become unfrozen and took more of an effort to freeze.
    My husband asked me what I thought and I had no clue. Rats and spiders to me seem like bad things. Can anyone help?
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