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Posts posted by JohnWilliams

  1. Hallo A friend had a dream about me and my friend eric. He was at a place and did or said something wrong when al of a sudden everybody started beating him and trying to kill him. His mother and grand mother was included. I walked in and tried to help him when his mother asked me if I also wanted to die, to which I replied if he dies i die. They started beating him again and my friend mariaan gave the final blow. His mother then turned to me and asked if I was sure when I said yes she broke my neck.

    Please help

  2. Hallo Last night I dreamed that I was sitting at a coffee shop having breakfast, when I got up to go and look at something. when I returned there was a big crowd at my table. It was older people (tourists). The one guy grabbed me and pulled me closer for a photo with them, I told him that I don't know them but he replied that I must just smile, they will only notice when they develope the photos. I clearly felt asif this guy was not straight. The next moment I was flying to this great resort, which was very luxurious and beautiful.It was situated in a big canyon and the only way to get there is by plane. It had Big white buildings with lots of water features.While in the plane I saw another plane leaving but going in the opposite direction.After arrival I went to the pool area where a lady told me that I was the new instructor. I told them that I paid to be there, and that I was not a worker. She made it very clear in a nice way that I was to be the new Swim Instructor, and that they have been waiting for me. I walked over to the pool and saw that it was mostly guys, very few females. I again got the feeling that it was all gay guys. When I stood next to the pool everybody got out asif they were just waiting for me. I got onto the box to jump in and then when I saw their reaction i stood back a few steps. My sister then came to me out of nowhere and pleaded with me not to do it, I told her that I paid a year in advance to be there and that it is expected of me, she pleaded again! duh

  3. Hallo
    Last night I dreamed that I was sitting at a coffee shop having breakfast, when I got up to go and look at something. when I returned there was a big crowd at my table. It was older people. The one guy grabbed me and pulled me closer for a photo with them, I told him that I don't know them but he replied that I must just smile, they will only notice when they develope the photos. I clearly felt asif this guy was not straight.
    The next moment I was flying to this great resort, which was very luxurious and beautiful. Big white buildings with lots of water features. I went to the pool area where they told me that I was the new instructor. I told them that I paid to be there, and that I was not a worker. I walked over to the pool and saw that it was just guys, no females. I again got the feeling that it was all gay guys, although the person who said I'm the new instructor was female. When I stood next to the pool everybody got out asif they were just waiting for me. My sister then came to me out of nowhere and pleaded with me not to do it, I told her that I paid to be there and that it is expected of me.

    Thank you

  4. Hallo
    My friend is not a Born again christian if that is what you are asking. He does believe in God.

    Lori Lane
    Thank You for your conformation. Please read the dream "really bad sexual dream" it is the same friend in that dream. As for the love from a distance, I did try that but God told me to stand by him as this is what God want to happen - I did try to get away, but have to be obedient. Please read that dream

  5. Hallo
    Last night I prayed about my one friend when God told me that he is taking His protection away from this friend, as this friend doesn't want to listen to the voice of God. I asked God what is going to happen to him and dreamed the following:

    Me and Mariaan were in this house, which is not our house, My friend's girlfriend came out of the bedroom telling us that she bled on the bed. I thought she was still having here monthly thing and told her to use a tampon longer than usual. But hte way she told us made me feel asif my friend made her bleed there. He then came to me immediately and told me he did nothing, which in the dream I knew was true. Mariaan then started supporting my friends girlfriend, although in reallife she can't stand this girl. My friend was really white in his face asif all life was out of him. We then went away where someone who we don't know asked my friend and I what happened with his girlfriend, why did she bleed. I remember thinking that news really travels fast as it just happened.

    Previously God gave me warnings to go and give to people, which I normally did. When they were obidient nothing happened but when they weren't, what God told me always realised

    Thank You

  6. The past two weeks has been really bad for me as I am constantly fighting with God over something which I think He said. I have a problem and asked God to take it away - heal it! He told me that He is going to heal it in a certain way, which goes against what I believe in. Last night I was fighting with Him about my friend, Eric. He is the guy of all the dreams that I have posted so far! I have searched for more instant ways to get healed, even stuff that is against the word of God. And ways which He clearly told me not to do - which I didn't do naturally!
    Last night I dreamed that I was in a department store looking for running shoes, I knew Eric has bought his shoes already, and that I must get some as we were starting something to do with running together. I took a pair of adidas but was looking for something else aswell, a pair of nikes. They didn't have anything that i liked. I then saw this unusual pair which was made up of pink strings. I put the adidas pair on the ground and sat right next to it. When I put on the string running shoes they turned into sandals, and I thought to myself - this is the kind of shoes Jesus had when He was here!

    Then this morning when I prayed about it - I think I heard God said that it has begun. What I don't know, maybe our healing?

    I just need help

  7. Hallo
    My friend who had the previous "really bad sexual dream". dreamdt the other night that he was somewhere in a bush and was looking for his car keys. his car was there but he couldn't find the keys. He said that he knew in the dream that he didn't know who he was, where he came from or anything. Like he totally lost his mind. He saw me and his current girlfriends mother playing in the water and being very happy!

    Then a other friend of ours dreamt two nights after the above dream that she was in a school, when suddenly somebody yelled that the teacher was on her way. the whole class went mad and even when the teacher was there, it was still mad. Then somebody, a man whosa face she can't remember brought in the above friend, he was hung over this guys shoulder. She said his whole back was beaten open, with pieces of flesh ripped out. she got up to help him when the teacher told her she shouldn't help him at all. Then the teacher started hitting him again and again ripping flesh from his back. Suddenly they were where this friend stays, and his landlord told him to get his stuff out of the flat and that she never wants to see him again. He tried to explain to her that he was beaten and couldn't even walk properly. He then turned to my other friend and asked her is he could come and stay with her. She just said no sorry, although in the dream she knew she had a place to stay, but kept on refusing.

    Please help

  8. Hallo
    Last night I had a very weird dream.
    At first I dreamed I was in a department store looking for a white shirt, as I had to go to a function and didn't want to wear a pink shirt and tie with my suite. I know thru out the dream that I was always angry. My father told me where in the store to go and look for a white shirt, although I can't remember seeing him. on my way there this black man came and said something to me, for which I had a answer. next moment he started to attack me, when this other black guy came out of no where and fighted with him. I was then at the home affairs office, dressed in my suite with a pink shirt and pink tie, trying to get a passport for my father. the lady behind the counter said it is going to take a long time to get a passport, I asked her if I gave her more money, will it make things faster, to which she replied no. The strangest thing is I knew that she was in grade 12 with me. Then all of a sudden I was in a hall where the grade 12 farewell was being held. everybody has already arrived and were waiting for me and my partner. I told them that I will quickly go and fetch her. I knew she was really one babe! when I walked out of the hall my father and brother was waiting for me with a BMW 7 Series. I got into the back of the car, and my father started driving but couldn't get out of the school yard and started to crash the car into people and buildings. the car then changed into a merc C class. My brother told my father and me that there is trouble at the house as my sister started an affair with our previous cell group leader. I remember thingking to myself that that is the reason why he has been so friendly with me lately.
    Then I was in a river with these 3 chinese looking girls, 2 fat and one really s--y. They were busy with a competition of some sorts. I told them that we should ride the rappets down stream. The s--y one went near the sideof the river into some sort of palm plant. while she was standing in the leaves a big black (really evil looking) snake came out of the plant and started swimming towards me. I knew that although I have a real fear for snakes, that this one couldn't do anything to me. Asif I knew God protects me. The snake never reached me.
    This is one seriously weird dream as it contains lots of stuff that is currently happening in my life. and it did not feel like a dream at all. most of my dreams I know in the dream that I am dreaming but in this one I felt asif it was really happening.

  9. Thank you again Connie.
    That is what I got aswell, that it is spiritual and secular. My friend starts working with me tomorrow, running the company. I can see some sort of pattern if I take all three dreams and putting it together. Still not 100% sure but hopefully God will show me. And it might help with the healing process, which is of uttmost importance to me!

    God's Richest Blessing and wisdom for you
    John Williams

  10. Hallo
    I dreamt last night that I was going to this very upmarket place for either a interview or to do some business. When I got to the gate there was already a lot of people waiting to enter, but the people inside wouldn't open for them. I buzzed the button and they let us in, I remember feeling very proud of myself for being let thru, or getting them to open up. Inside it was a upmarket hotel, business of somesort and I didn't know for what reason I was there. The next moment I was in a classroom on the ground of this business/hotel with my friend of whom I had the previous dreams. It was the first day of school and I remember me going off at the teacher that why am I and my friend, me being 27 and he being 24, in grade one. they said that it is the rules and that we have to accept it. Then they started to get ready for the small children to come in and everybody had to hand in some homework, it was a poster of yourself to put on your table. My friend handed in his but I never did mine. so when the teacher had to put mine up I jumped on my mobile and phoned my mother to quickly do mine. At one stage in the dream when I went off about being in grade one, the classroom was filled with children and my friend and I were the only older students!
    Why am I in grade one? And why am I always dreaming about this peticular friend? duh

  11. Hallo
    I dreamt last night that I was going to this very upmarket place for either a interview or to do some business. When I got to the gate there was already a lot of people waiting to enter, but the people inside wouldn't open for them. I buzzed the button and they let us in, I remember feeling very proud of myself for being let thru, or getting them to open up. Inside it was a upmarket hotel, business of somesort and I didn't know for what reason I was there. The next moment I was in a classroom on the ground of this business/hotel with my friend of whom I had the previous dreams. It was the first day of school and I remember me going off at the teacher that why am I and my friend, me being 27 and he being 24, in grade one. they said that it is the rules and that we have to accept it. Then they started to get ready for the small children to come in and everybody had to hand in some homework, it was a poster of yourself to put on your table. My friend handed in his but I never did mine. so when the teacher had to put mine up I jumped on my mobile and phoned my mother to quickly do mine. At one stage in the dream when I went off about being in grade one, the classroom was filled with children and my friend and I were the only older students!
    Why am I in grade one?

  12. Hallo
    In my dream where my boss gives me full control, I remember that thru out the whole dream I took notice of the house and the furniture. It wasn't full of furniture but the ones that were there I know was really expensive. It felt asif they left some stuff so that I could live there but had to buy my own to full it up, it's like they left only the most neccesary furniture. I remember the bathroom was white with real golden taps, toilet handle etc. (which is really nice but not my style) The kitchen was really modern and was big and open plan with the living room and dining room.
    There was also a garden in the middle of the house which was closed with glass, but the hallway, kitchen, bathroom and sort of the masterbedroom were over looking it. It was really a lush garden, with a big palm tree in the middle. I remember that after they left and I went to look at the bathroom I had a very calm feeling aroung the garden and everywhere I went I could sort of feel the garden.
    When I woke up this morning it started to bother me in a good way asif God wants to tell me something, but I just can't seem to grasp what!
    Thank You
    John Williams
    Christ's Love

  13. In my dream where my boss gives me full control, I remember that thru out the whole dream I took notice of the house and the furniture. It wasn't full of furniture but the ones that were there I know was really expensive. It felt asif they left some stuff so that I could live there but had to buy my own to full it up, it's like they left only the most neccesary furniture. I remember the bathroom was white with real golden taps, toilet handle etc. (which is really nice but not my style) The kitchen was really modern and was big and open plan with the living room and dining room.
    There was also a garden in the middle of the house which was closed with glass, but the hallway, kitchen, bathroom and sort of the masterbedroom were over looking it. It was really a lush garden, with a big palm tree in the middle. I remember that after they left and I went to look at the bathroom I had a very calm feeling aroung the garden and everywhere I went I could sort of feel the garden.
    When I woke up this morning it started to bother me in a good way asif God wants to tell me something, but I just can't seem to grasp what! :uhoh:
    Thank You
    John Williams
    Christ's Love

  14. Hallo Connie
    Thank You for the conformation. It is just like I got it. I dreamed both dreams in July and it seems asif stuff are starting to happen. I know I have to trust the Lord but I'm still as scared as a small child, especially about the embarrassment part as I sort of know why I will be feeling that way. But I know I will be strong enough for it as God is with me!

    God's richest Blessing for You
    John Williams laugh

  15. After my first dream about my friend kissing me I had a dream about the same friend where we lie on a bed half naked. I'm on my stomach just lying there and my friend is sort of playing with my legs. at one stage this friend says why am i not taking part. Iwas lying there sort of lifeless. I then turn around and it gets better and more fun. Nothing serious happens at first.

    This is the second dream about this friend.
    The first one "Dream about friend kissing me" duh

  16. Hey Connie and Butterfly
    Thank You for the messages. I am still praying about it as I sense that it will happen very soon. I did ask him about it again to try and talk to him but he made asif it was a big joke. Then I asked God if I should talk to him and He answered no as My friend wouldn't listen. So now I am in a bad spot as I know something bad is going to happen but can't be disobedient to the Lord. Plus if you read my previous replies you will see what his problem is and this might be the Lord's way of healing, helping him. :uhoh:
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