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Posts posted by tovision25

  1. I was sitting in a restaurant with my friend/sister in christ. We were talking and enjoying our conversation. I looked out the restaurant window and saw my ex sister-in law approaching the restaurant. There was a sign on lthe door. She was mad about what it said and wanted to talk to someone in authority about it. She thought it said that she couldn't come. I redirected her attention to the sign and told her that the sign was saying that this is a restaurant and not a bar. My attention went back to my friend. We were starting to eat our lunch. I notice that the chicken on the plate wasn't all the cooked. I picked it up and examined it. I could plainly see that it wasn't cooked all the way. The closer I looked at it the more it looked like a heart and I could see the heart valves and blood. we put the chicken down. My friend began to tell me all lthat the Lord was doing in her life, She showed my her hand and on the palm side the Lord had written his promise(what he spoke to hr) it was ingraved. end

    Thank you. I am really needing to know what this means.

    I praise God for you all.

    Blessings. tovision

  2. I was working in the hospital (nurse) I was sitting at the nurse's station. A patient approached me and brought a bunch of candels with her. they were different sizes and colors some were grouped together in candle holders. she placed lthem on the counter. She said you know Amy(she was a nurse I used to work with in real life. I too work as a nurse but not at a hospital) use to bring these candles to me on my birthday and light them for me. I didn't respond with any more than as smile,and a nod. end.

    thank you, bless you!!

  3. I was standing in a building ( it seemed like a back room like storage area) My pastor and his wife were standing there also. They were looking at green shelves that covered one wall ans went up the wall almost to the ceiling. My pastor said, " Well it was suppose to be for the Lord, but I guess it's being used for storage. By the sound of his voice you could tell he was irriated. The things on the shelves were things I had been collecting. My response to him was Well I lcould get rid of it all, I was hurt by what he said, my emotion was mixed with anger and pain.

    I kthink I migh t have a handle on this one but would still like someone's input.

    God Bless

  4. I was driving a white van and pulled in our church parking lot. In the passager seat was a man from my church. When I pulled into the parking lot he got out and starting walking across the parking lot. I noticed that he had something in his hand. I pulled the van around as to park it in the parking space. I was trying to back the van into the parking space. Across the parking lot I noticed my pastor sitting on a park bench. He was watching as he was talking to peopole who were passing by. He was comfortable sitting there watching. However I sensed that he had things under control, like he was watching with a heart of protection. I was still trying to park the van. I was useing the review mirror and looking behind me. Every time I moved the van back wards into the space I wasn't happy with it. I wasn't close enough to the lines or I was too close or the van wasn't straight enough. I pulled up and back in several time never hapy about the way it was backed in.End.

    About a year ago the Lord gave me two visions. the first one I saw a white van and both doors open, the Lord said I will send them out two by two. The second one He showed me a long line of vans.

    Thanks for your help!!

  5. Hi everyone..here's my dream..please help.

    Three friends and myself are going to a public place (Building) it was a very larg building that held thousands of people. As we all entered two of the people that were with me went into the auditorium( perhaps sanctuary). There were people already gathering there. Myself and the other individual went to the area where people who were working or volunteering gathered. There was a man there there who was recruiting people and assigning them to tasks. I did not want to be the greeter so the other person with me took that job. The man assigned me to communications. He pointed to a large sheet that was about 15 to 20 feet long that had all the peoples names on it that were in the sanctuary(auditorium). He told me that I needed to match up each name that was on the sheet to the same name that was in a great big file box. In the file box the person had their name and address on it. Mean while there was a young man sitting on the floor using a device that produced CDs. It was like a flat black case. He was producing these gold CDs that had writing on them. One was being made for each person that attended the event. The man said there was 7000 of them and as soon as my job was done that we would deliver them all to each person's house and use the Air Balloon to get them there. I was excited that we were going to use the balloon. End of dream. Thanks.
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