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Posts posted by bimbade

  1. Hi All,

    I had this dream last night. There were two snakes, i remember one had distinct colours of orange and white stripes.

    I was scared of the snakes cos i didnt want them near me BUT i remember that there was a man in the dream , who asked me to not be scared of them that "The snakes were being examined/observed like for a scientific experiment".

    Can anyone please explain what this means to me. Thanks.

    Secondly, i have also previously dreamt of myself swimming in an ocean but i was able to keep my head up and swim through the current.

  2. Hello All,

    I am a lady who loves the Lord and want to see his will done in my life and on earth. Just bumped into this forum and its been a blessing. Before now i didnt bother so much with my dreams even tho' i asked God to speak to me thru them. BUT thats about to change.
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