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Posts posted by praiseabba

  1. At my mom and dad's home the TV was playing, the closet was opened and colorful clothes were literally all over the place--scattered on the bed and floor. The sun was shining brightly through the windows. A gentleman I know was there with a light-blue dress shirt and gray slacks. He reached into my closet grabbed my burgundy and gold hoodie along with my gray sweat pants, and clothed himself with the garments. (His original clothes were still on. My garments were an added layer to his).

  2. Dearest Sisters & Brothers,

    I am soliciting your prayers for direction, endurance and sensitivity to God's will. I'm in a season of shifting--about to graduate from grad school with a Masters and have to vacate the school's housing with in a month. I have not worked for 3 years, as my family and friends have supported me to complete this degree, and have no transportation. I've been in this "pressure-cooker" for 3-months. I desire to teach and give back to the youth urban community. I've accepted my call to Eldership, pursue music and marriage (when God releases the person--I didn't want marriage at all). I've been experiencing a lot of emotional-heart-wrenching-pain. I know this is apart of the process, and believe me I'm fasting and praying profusely. My desire is to just be in the "perfect" will of Abba.

    Thank you.

  3. To All,
    Your responses have been very useful/helpful. I have been seeking Abba's face constantly. I'm still waiting for a mighty breakthrough during this transition season. It's been very rigid and rigorous, as many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God will deliver me out of them [all]. Please keep me in your prayers.

  4. Blessed Day!

    I've been seeking Abba concerning a dream given to me this morning.

    I was at my mom and dad's church (my former home church). The church became full of new, old and familiar faces. I was leading out in the pulpit, as the Pastor was no longer there. I began to sing "Order My Steps," and a powerful, surgeful anointing filled my voice-ushering the congregants into a high worship experience. Hands began to lift and their voices filled the house with such an anointed-melodious sound. As the congregants began to worship, they stood to their feet in response to Abba's presence. I was adorned in a red and gold pulpit robe. My face was radiant, and I could feel the loving, warming presence of Abba fill my body and envelop my being. I was in a raised position due to the heightened-level of the pulpit. A gentlemen that I just separated from stood out the most in the congregation. He looked worn, lowly and broken. As i continued to sing, he lifted his hands towards Abba's presence, and began to weep.

    This dream will not move from me. I know Abba is transitioning my life in many ways now, but I can't seem to shake this dream, singing or the gentlemen from my spirit. Please seek the Lord with me.
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