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Posts posted by D'Eloquence

  1. Each of have spoken confirmation in many areas of my life. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Mbstudent. Sunshine2, I belive your interpretation is right on. I am searching for direction for a career choice. I background is in Early Childhood Education. I was hurt very badly at my las job, and I have been struggling to really accept that I have a ministry with children. Thanks all for your insight. thumbs

  2. I have a general idea of what this dream is saying. I appreciate any insight. - Thanks, Ivy

    I was having lunch at a nice restaurant with my boss and other people I felt comfortable with. I looked at my watch and realized that I missed my doctor's appointment. It was 12:15pm and my appointment was at 10:15am. I sat in my seat for a minute or two trying to decide if I was going to get up and try to make the appointment. I was late and had missed the appointment. I didn't see any reason to rush off. I decided to go anyway. I quickly got up from the table, told everyone good-bye, and jumped into my car.
    I impatiently backed out of me parking spot, yelling at other drivers to move out of the way. Of course I was yelling to myself, since my windows were rolled up & other drivers couldn't actually hear me. As I rushed out of the parking lot, I speed down the road and missed my left turn at the hospital. I remember seeing a construction sight down the road. I had to make a U-turn to get back on track. As I made the U-turn there was a red SUV turning in the opposite direction. I told myself to slow down because I nearly hit it.
    My appointment was at the hospital's medical office park. Once in the parking lot, I was having troulbe finding a parking space to fit in. For some reason I was driving on the sidewalk. I wasn't at the Endocrinologists office either (my specialist for hyperthyroidism). I was at my OBGYN's office. As my hunt for a parking space continued, I saw three teenagers walking through the office complex. All three of them were actor from television show (none that I'm familiar with).There were two girls and a boy. The boy really caught my attention. The girls were supporting the boy between them. He could barely walk and looked like he was going to pass out. When I saw them, I heard the Lord tell me to stop and minister to the young man. Fear got caught in my throat, and I continued to drive. I told the Lord if he really want me to minister to the boy, to bring him to me. I was too afraid to stop and talk to them, and I was rushing to an appointment.
    I'm not sure how to describe the next events, but I ended up in the hospital helping the teenage boy. I don't know what was wrong with him or how I helped him. When the dream ended he was thanking me for praying for his deliverance. I had been late for an appointment and missed it (it seemed like there really wasn't an appointment). It took longer for the boy to get what he needed when the Lord brought him to me. I heard the Lord say "He didn't have to go through all that he went through." Had I stopped when I was told to, the boy would've been delivered and I would've made the appointment.

  3. UsemeLord and Christa your insight has been very helpful. :LOLDOH: I belive the Lord has given my the interpretation to the first part of the dream. I'm still fuzzy on the rest. I am taking my time because, I want to get this right. I do have a prophetic gifting as Christa menitioned, and in several areas of my life I have been lazy. I am without excuse.


    Background info & Work Interpretation: I call myself a Christian, yet I don't do the required work. I accepted a tugging on my heart to witness and share my testimony more to those who are lost. When I started my new job I felt like I was in a different world. Once becoming saved, I had been sheltered from the lifestyle that the other young ladies I worked with were living (promiscuity, clubbing, drinking, babies out of wedlock, smokers). It seemed like they were judging me from the day I started working. I knew they could tell there was something different about me, but in my heart I was judging them also. The fact of the matter is that since I am not in God's will for my life, it's as if He sees me just like them. When I see these girls, I see the life that I was saved from - a loud mouth, promiscuise, smoker and alcoholic, with a baby to tote. I know the truth - what excuse to I have. The Word of God is in my heart and nigh my mouth. What reason can I give these girls to live for Christ if I'm not completely sold out myself. Without the required work I am unprepared to convince anyone to come to Christ. (Romans 1 & 2; 8:1)

    Spiritual Interpretation: I want to change. I realize there are areas in my life that need work and need to be developed. I am working to hard to change situations in my life and not trusting in the work of the Holy Spirit. (Prov 3:5-6, Joshua 1:5, Mat 5:25-34)

    White Flag

  4. Thanks all for input. Lola21st the links have been very helpful. Connie, I have been able to focus on the "substance" of the dream rather than putting as much emphasis on the symbolism. I've also broken it up into different segments as they occurred in the dream. After some prayer and meditation, I believe I have the interpretation to the first part of the dream.

    In this first part of the dream I am trying to clean up, but I have too many distractions - the stuff everywhere. I also see different sides of myself. My sister, close friend, is there She represents the Holy Spirit. I could ask her for help, but instead try to do everything on my own. I think that my apartment may represent my mind and my life. I don't like a lot of clutter or disorganization, and I actually do feel that my mind is cluttered and there is too much going on. I don't depend of the help of the Holy Spirit enough and I can't fix all of my situations on my own. I have been in circumstances where my character was tested, and I have acted out of character - represented by the two personalities.

    UsemeLord, I'm interested in what your interpretation of this part of the dream might be, because I see a dual interepretation. In my research I learned that stairs mean multilevel situation. In regards to this dream it seems to have other interpretations. The first things that you noticed were my spiritual life and my job.

    After researching types of dreams, I am wondering if this dream is just a reflection of things that have been going on in my life or if its a dream from the Lord.

    Any thoughts? thinking

  5. I am a dreamer, but I don't know how to interpret them. I have had vivid, detailed, and sometimes long dreams since I was a little girl. While I appreciate the intrepretation, I really want to learn for myself. I am excited to be here and ready to learn. I have been reading Daniel and looking up symbols, but I don't know how the symbols always fit in the dream. I truly do appreciate any input.

  6. Thanks for your response, UsemeLord.

    I know there is a lot of symbolism, but I don't know how to make sense of it. Home, Water, Cleaning, Furniture, People, Bus and Pier, Radio.

    I see certain themes and feelings that I've experienced in different situations.
    Home = self or place of comfort
    Water = purifier
    Cleaning = work
    People = may represent the actual person or a charcteristic of
    your self

    I have a job that I am not completely satisfied with. My supervisor told me that I am an answer to prayer. When I met with her about possible employment, I remember praying and having a vision of a door with a future on the other side. I walked through the door and accepted the position. I know that there is a reason why I am there. I haven't fully accepted the callings and giftings in my life. I have been in a dry place spiritually and I've been praying for clarity and direction.

    Also, I was recently reading Jonah. As I was reading, I saw that Jonah was a light to the sailors even in his disodience. In the midst of a terrible storm, God used Jonah to bring salvation to the sailors. It was an uncomfortable situation. It was life threatening, but Jonah was still a light. In the end the sailors had seen a miracle and received salvation, Jonah was preserved in the belly of giant fish, he completed the task the God sent him on, but he was never satisfied. God had used him mightly and he wasn't content. I don't want to be a Jonah.

    Any input is Greatly Appreciated!

  7. Hello, I'm new. I frequently have long and very detailed dreams. This one is no exception. I would like to know how to interpret my dreams. This dream is very long, please bear with me. I tried to seperate it according to different sequences of the dream. Thank you for any help or input. - Ivy

    This dream actually begins with me dreaming within a dream. I was trying to clean up my apartment and I think my sister (someone who represented my sister) was visiting. There was stuff everywhere and I was having a hard time. Just when I started to make some progress, I suddenly broke up into these different personalities. I think there were three of them. There was a lazy fearfull personality, a sexy attention seeking personality, and I don't remember the other one. None of them looked like me, but they were my personalities; and they weren't making cleaning up any easier. It was getting chaotic, and just worse. I started praying and laying hands on them even if they didn't want me to. The sexy attention seeking one really tried to avoid me praying over her. She wore all black - black platform boots, fish net stockings, a mini skirt and a tank top. She even had black spikey hair, and I think she had on black gloves. I went to pray for this personality after the lazy fearfull one, but she went outside to smoke a cigarette and call someone on her cell phone.
    Just then, four people came by my apartment. My mom, her husband, my grandmother (my mother's mom), and my step-dad's mother (my mother's mother-in-law). (No one appeared to be as they actually are, but I was able to identify who they represent. The moter-in-law is not actually someone I recognize, but in the dream she was just an "over critical mother-in-law". My mother does actually take care of her mother who has dementia.). It now seemed like we were in some sort of vactioning resort or hotel. The Mother-in-law was critical about the way my mother and husband were taking care of my granmother. My grandmother kept running away. The mother-in-law would say, "See you don't know how to take care of her! See, there she goes again runnin' off! You don't know how to take care of her!" When I saw grandma run away, I left the sexy attractive seeking personality to help my mom get my grandmother back. We were chasing her down a hotel hallway. I caught up to my grandmother first and grabbed her under her arm. She tried to pull away, but I used a restraint hold that she could not get out of. Once she knew she couldn't run away from me she stopped trying to run. When my mother caught up with us, my grandmother kept jerking away from her. I told my mom, "No, Mom. You have to hold her like this." I instructed her on how to hold my grandmother so she wouldn't run away. (The restraint that I used and showed my mom was one that I learned from training I received from my job. It is firm, but not in a malicious or hurtful in anyway.) My grandmother stopped struggling with my mother and we were able to guide her back to the place I originally met their group. My grandmother was babbling, talking to herself, and laughing the whole time.
    Next, In the lobby of the hotel, I saw three doctors from a Discovery Health t.v. show called Deliver Me (Of course they didn't look like themselves). (Three female doctors run an OBGYN clinic and camaras follow them during their day as they see patients and deliver babies. One of my favorite shows.). One of the doctors just had a baby girl that was 2 months old. She also had a 14 year old daughter (she looked 12). I was watching the doctors as the 14 yr old became upset and ran away from the group. Her mother told her friends that she was upset because mom couldn't spend that much time with her since the baby had been born. I knew without anyone informing me that the problem the girl was having had been going on before there was ever baby. I went to talk to the girl to see if I could cheer her up and help her. I didn't see or hear us having a conversation. I just saw us walking back to the doctors. The girl looked happy, she was laughing and talking with me. Once she was back with her mom, she and the doctors walked away.
    After that, I was on a tour/guide bus with a group of people. The bus was going to the beach and it was making two different stops. The first stop was to a strip of restaurants and the second was to the pier. On the bus, I was sitting beside the doctor with the two daughters. One doctor was in front of us and the other doctor was sitting behind us. The new mom was holding her baby and her daughter sat behind her with the third doctor. The doctors beside and in front of me were talking. They were talking pretty loudly and the conversation was very interesting to me. I kept looking a the baby girl over her mom's shoulder as they talked. I guess I was annoying them because the doctor in front kept looking at me. The doctor beside me started whispering. I turned around and looked out the window. The bus came to the first stop, the strip of restaurants. The doctors were getting off here. The 14yr old wanted to go with them. I was hungry and thought I should eat, but I didn't think the doctors wanted me around. So, I chose to stay on the bus and go to the pier. WhentThe bus arrived at the pier there was a problem and bus driver couldn't park at the bus stop/loading zone. The driver parked in a circle across from the bus stop/loading zone and got off of the bus. There was an impatient woman sitting behind the driver's seat. She very rudely asked why the driver got off of the bus. Trying to help the situation, I responded to the women in my "patient Ivy voice", "Obviously there is something wrong and he went to check it out. Let's just be patient and wait." The lady turned around, glared me down, and made a nasty sarcastic remark. I just rolled my eyes, and with a sigh, I sat down. All of a sudden, that woman jumped into the bus driver's seat and put the peddle to the metal. Everyone on the bus was yelling at her and saying "what are you doing!" I ran up to the front of the bus and standing behind the woman, I said, "Do you even know how to drive this thing?!" Someone beside me said exactly what I and everyone else on the bus was thinking. "She is going to drive us right into the water." Under my breath I said, "Oh no." I immediately went back to my seat and started letting the windows down for people to climb out of once the bus started sinking. As I was going to my seat I remember passing one of the men I take care of at the group home where I work. As he held on to the hand rail smiling and scratching his head, he was in his typical stance. The bus hit the water. The people jolted and shook at the impact. We all expected the bus to start sinking as soon as it hit the water, but instead it skidded on top of the water. Someone on the bus said, "Man she must have really nailed the gas." A little while after that the bus started to sink and turn around and around. I woke up, but I was still dreaming.
    When I woke up I was at home in my bed, but home was my mom's house and the bed was my parent's old bed. (This is when I realized I was still dreaming.) My husband was beside me and he woke up too. He asked me what was wrong. I told him that I had just had the strangest dream. I told him the whole dream. When I was finished he said that he had just heard about a bus crashing into the ocean on the radio. He told me to turn on the radio to see if I could still hear anything about it. I turned around to the night stand to turn on the radio. It was my dad's old radio sitting on my mom's old night stand. I tried to turn on the radio, but there was suddenly a dual feature that I didn't know how to use. It seemed like there was a t.v. feature as well. I wanted to use the t.v. feature and I couldn't figure out how to get to it. I finally decided to turn on the radio. As I listened to the radio, I got out of bed and started to prepare for the day. I walked through the bedroom door and I was stunned at what I saw. From the top of the staircase all the way down and on both sided of the wall, it was filled with furniture. As I looked over the banister, I could see there was furniture lined up on both sides of the wall in the hallway. All of sudden, I hear my supervisor calling my,"Ivy! Ivy, why haven't you cleaned this stuff up?!" I didn't like her tone of voice. I answered her, "First of all, I didn't know you wanted me to (or that I was supposed to put this stuff away). The last time you had furniture in the house like this you were using it for your house (my supervisor recently opened up her own group home). Second of all, why didn't you ask me to?" My supervisor made a funny face and said, "I did? I had all that stuff piled up like that?" Then she handed me some boxes and plastic to throw away. She walked away throwing her hands in the air talking to herself about all the crazy stuff she had to do.
    -The End-
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