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Posts posted by Cazaam

  1. Recently i was attending the baptism of a friend. During which, I am convinced i received a vision from Him. Even as my eyes were open, all i could see was, on a sort of scroll or papyrus like background the word 'Jorbyn'. very clear and ... centered if you will. Above this and slightly to the right, was the word Jordan, although the 'A' was constantly swapping for a 'Y', as if correcting a mistake or looking at a variation. Personally i don't think that the background is of any significance, but who knows but Him?

    I do know that The Jordan river was a place of Baptism in Biblical times

    Thank you in advance for your help and support, god bless


  2. Hellooo!

    A big kia ora (hello) to all. My names Corey, im from New Zealand (wheres that? i know).

    I have been a man of faith for almost 7 weeks. I go to Majestic Church, Christchurch (my hometown) .

    Anyway, thank you for accepting me into your community

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