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Posts posted by Pepperbush

  1. I have had this dream a few weeks ago and I am curious as to what God is showing me. Here is the dream: I saw my half sister dressed in a black dress with a color block design in it. The colors were gold and orange. Her stockings were black as well as her shoes. the weather was very hot. At first when I saw her I thought it was my niece. She looked like my niece on the right side of her face , however as she got closer to me, I noticed it was her when she turned her face and revealed the left side. Also, this niece 's mother was in the dream, she too is my half sister and she was dressed in light beige. Several days later, I dreamed that the sister who was dressed in black, bowed down to me in my mother's front yard. She called me queen, I said to her in the dream to get up and stop it.
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