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Posts posted by jcgraham

  1. Well, I believe the mystery has been solved.  At the end of the above relationship, I cut off all communication with the other party.  I recently asked my best friend what she thought.  She is a wonderful Christian woman, who often has the "Gift of Wisdom".  Immediately, she said, "you took communication from him".  Just yesterday, he sent me an e-mail, essentially saying the same thing.  

    Thank you all!

  2. A few nights ago, I had a dream that a girlfriend of mine said that a gentleman I use to date, told her that I had taken someting from him, and would she ask me to give it back.  In the dream, I got a brief glimpse of a garage.  I didn't end that relationship, nor did I take anything from him.

    Thank you for your time!

  3. A few weeks ago, I had the shortest dream ever! I walked into a room, where there was a man, (seemingy in his 60s). He had thin, white hair. He wasn't looking directly at me but seemed very excited. All he said was, "I can't believe you're here". Any thoughts? I keep being reminded of this dream but have no idea what it meant.

    Thank you!

    I feel I need to elaborate. The very day that I had this dream, a friend told me that someone was praying everyday for me to show up. To be honest, I didnt buy it. Then I had the dream that night, and yesterday, I met a 60-something gentleman with thin white hair. Obviously, this got my attention.

  4. Wow, Dreamster and Daisy! Your insights are exactly the way I interpreted this dream, so thank you for the confirmation! He has already hurt someone due to his own hurt, and she wants nothing to do with him now. I mentioned to him that "hurt people, hurt people". A good lesson for all of us to be mindful of those who trust us.

    Thank you again!

  5. Several weeks ago, a friend had the following dream: He had been hiding in a cave, as he had been hurt very badly. One day, a flower came along and encouraged him to come out into the sunshine. He did, and they laughed and played for days on end, (he hadn't laughed in a very long time). Then, one day, he accidentally stepped on the flower and she became afraid. She ran and hid in a clam shell. He tried and tried to open it, by beating on it, prying on it, all to no avail. Finally, he gave up and placed the clam shell in his garden and waited.

    Now, this friend has been terribly hurt and is convinced this dream came from God. Any insight any of you could give would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you,

  6. Thank you! Therein lies my delemna..there is no context to these dreams whatsoever. In one, his name shows up in my e-mail inbox, in another, he simply calls and says, "hi" and in the last, he drives up in front of my home, looking around as if to see if I'm still here. I know it sounds silly but I just wish I wouldn't keep having these dreams.

    Thank you again!

  7. I posted one of these dreams awhile back but now, there are 2 more to add to it. I ended a relationship several months ago, Since then I have had the following 3 dreams; in the first one, my "friend" e-mailed me, in the second, he called me and in the third, he pulled up in front of my house in his pickup. In none of these dreams was there any dialogue. I am just wondering if they could be a product of my over active imagination, or do they actually mean something? They are a bit unnerving.

    Thank you!
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