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Posts posted by eldergrant

  1. On
    Saturday, 20th February, 2010 at 2.17 am I had the following dream

    I was
    church and some of us were called up to sing. After we finished singing, we
    heard on the radio that a hurricane warning was issued for Barbados (where I
    live). Immediately, I jumped in my car and headed into Bridgetown for supplies.
    The roads were already partially flooded and outside was dark. I parked a ways
    from the town center and walked the rest.

    On my return to my car I was blocked in
    somewhat by other cars and had to do some maneuvering to get out. Once I got
    out, I went and told my brother about the hurricane warning and we both got back
    into my car and went back into town but parked at a different

    As we were getting supplies, this dark, ominous cloud covered
    part of Bridgetown and I remarked to my brother and others around about the
    cloud and that we need to get out of there. We went back to the car and drove

    Any help with this interpretation will be helpful.
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