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Posts posted by csmal

  1. thank you daphanie. this helped me a lot.
    now i understand my dream.
    I think it is more because we dont spend as much time as usual. He started a new job, the hours he is working is hars, and when he gets home, he is so tired, then sometimes we hardly speak and then just go to bed. NOT fighting or anything about it. I think i just miss the time with him, even if it is just chatting. We chatted last night about stuff and I did not have that dream.

    i thank you for helping me looking at this in a different way.
    I will ask God to help me and guide me to understand my dreams better.

    Thank you!

  2. Thank you for replying.
    Well in my dreams my husband is very distant from me.
    I usually caugt him with a woman or he will confess it to me.
    But then I tell him in my dreams he will not see his child if he carries on cheating.
    He will be screaming at me, swearing me, be a dont care over his child and just really says hurtful things.
    He would be so absent in the dream and I will feel so empty.
    Feels like me alone against the world

  3. I have asked God many time that if their is something that He wants to tell, or warn me against, He must please come to my dreams.
    I know sometimes we get these silly dreams, if the dream does not connect to me, I ignores it.

    But the thing is, the past week I had dreams that my Husband is cheating on me.
    Different occassions and with different woman. Sometimes the name of the person is so very clear in my dream. But it is not a name that I know.

    The feelings I have in my dreams feels like I have been destroyed, but somehow try to move on even if my husband have this dont care attetude.

    I dont know if this is a message from God, if he wants to tell me something.
    I had these dreams 3 days in a row, and it is not like I think of my husband to cheat on me or have that fear at the moment.

    Can someone please tell me what this might mean?

    Thank you!
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