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Posts posted by mpriddy777

  1. ]size=12]Hello my name Is Mary and I have been a christian my whole life but got sidetracked and into the world from ages 16-23 and then rededicated my life and started to walk with my Lord more securely. However this past May 9th (my 30th) My father passed away at age 53 unexpected and since this has happened I have lost my Zeal I guess you could call it. I am returning to my old ways and I keep saying "I Dont know why I am doing this" and it is soo true. Its like I keep crying out for help for someone to help me and they try so hard to help me but I just dont care anymore not really. Its like when my dad died a piece of me did too. I really want to be back on track like I was I really do because I have seen what God has in store for me and he has shown me many things but I honestly don't know. I am desperate for help but I dont know what for...craziness..I know! I keep telling everyone "I am ok" when actuality I am falling apart inside and clinging to the first thing that brings me any type of comfort. This is how I feel:
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