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debb castro

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Posts posted by debb castro

  1. Hey .....I have enjoyed the few days i have been on here,,,thank-you....

    but I have a prayer request;;;;it is long so i'll condense it;;; I need to work through a lot and right now i feel like every thing is just building on the inside....i kind of feel like i am going down for the count.....it hits like waves......i have had a cupple of dreams with in the last 4 nights and am trying to make sense of them the first one was about an old homeless looking man continually knowing what was going to happen and warning me one time he was in my face. there was something about the dream that reminded me of the movie the matrix. the one last night was I was some how helping a women i never even saw in the dream it seamed that i was helping with her situation surrounding a birth she was going through. my daughter was with me and someone else. all the walls were covered with curtains in every room, and so were all our faces (every one in the dream) and we all had bare feet and our pant leggs rolled up. at one time in the dream the womens dad was there, he was on a phone but he kept saying how much i helped out and was thankful i was there.an other phone rang and i answered it for him as he was on the one phone. it was my son saying it was about time i think of my own family and he was tired of me helping some were else i could hear my husband in the background being kind of sarcastic ( my husband that passed on in 08) the older man kept telling me what a good job i was doing , but my son and husband were continually not happy and i kept asking what they wanted me to do????;;;;;;;;;;;:::: i am also trying to stud for my real estate exam and can nott focus i have until jul 19th to be ready please pray ,,,,!!!!!! thank you...I am trying not to give up but i feel my stamina draining fast...

  2. hey I wanted to know about spiders too.. but was afraid to ask... I was dreaming about my husband and family ;(its not in a good place) kind of a jumbled dream except what stuck out was this large but not huge black spider crawling about through the whole dream??????debb

  3. yea...but no to complicated for God and i am counting on that....I just hope others can be spared from their own complicated situations from hearing mine even though not the same......but we each have to make our own choices... and some times it gets foggy for us....thank God when we make choices that look not so right the Lord is always there waiting for us .... Love that verse in ps i think though i fall umpteen( my word) he picks us up....I am just trying to go forward...Debb

  4. Hi Marry.....I Know your loss hurts very much ..my husband was gone suddenly in one weekend in nov2008 my children in their 20s were devastated....i myself have found myself doing dumb things .. but you as i must remember our God is a God that loves and is there no matter how alone we feel I did such a dumb thing that my children an friends have turned their backs on me ,,but The Lord has not and he will not: I know this but some times it doesn't feel that way: i needed to search out a way to connect with the Lord and it is defiantly in worship. no matter how much you feel unworthy to be in His presents there is comfort there... I have been running on the beach with worship music it took a while to get connected on my part but once i got there it was wonderful i'm not saying that all is perfect but I am going forward and you can too He is there for you He will never leave you or forsake you 2tim 2 11-13 comes to mind for you
    NLT this is a trustworthy saying if we die with him, we will also live with him if we endure hardship we will reign with him if we deny him he will deny us. IF WE ARE UNFAITHFUL HE REMAINS FAITHFUL,for he cannot deny who he is
    You are not alone He is there for you in more ways than you can imagine his arms are open wide to you....in Christ love...... Debb

  5. Hi GoldenEagle ....i just read of your situation ;; i am in a situation that is a little further in the proses and different circumstances but I was asking the Lord if I should respond and I seamed to get the go a head so I don't want to give advice, just tell you what i have been through.... I to have been through one hart ache after another through out my life just more recently form nov 08 to now :my husband of 27 years of marriage went to be with the Lord suddenly... we were just surviving my kids and i afterward i kept saying we are walking on the water with the Lord,,,,I would go and get bubblie water and sit in a parking lot and just cry out to God i was so alone ;;;( bubble water because I was afraid to drink and drive)...My daughter and her friend were on the computer one day on a christian dating site I asked what they wer doing they showed me and i thought that might be a neat thing so they set me up on there....I talked to a few gentlemen.... and that was the extent one really want us to meet but I knew he was to religious and i been there and don't want to go back.. i took myself off of the site a the advice of a friend but not before i meet Vic.....then we actually meet for coffee.. and as he said we clicked.. I felt so safe w/ him i could talk about anything i could be happy w/ him he opened up to me he had been very hurt by people in his life and made a big mistake in his life that he was very honest about:::I fell hard i just wanted to be with him i would talk to The Lord about my feelings and if they weren't right would he take them from me .....my kids weren't happy and i just felt pressure from every one ecpt Vic.. i just want to be with him ...he loves Gods word he read it over 23 times he love God.....so one day 7 months after my first husband passed days after what would have been our28th anniversary and 3 weeks after Vic and i meet in person.. i could not stand the pressure any more and Vic and I went and got married.....my children would not speak to me nor my friends the ones who just stood by me during the death of my husband among other-things. but now I'll jump to the now he is very religious he has alot of hurt to work through although he says he has forgiven i don't see it,, i am judged for the way i stand in my faith with Christ I find I can talk to him and feel safe like i did at the beginning...he is a good man don't get me wrong and the way he is about my faith is his way of concern because hie doesn't believe in the gift or dreams (though he has alot and says he wonders what they mean) or worship or praying in the spirit or any of the above... its not like it looked like it would be do i love him yess...would I marry him now??????????/ please be careful for yourself and what God has for you you are is daughter his precious posesion.....don't listen to any pressure if there is not peace walk lightly..... ....Debb

  6. Joy and Halo......thank you for your response: the first response is very similar and reminded me of a word given to me at a woman's retreat I ended up at in the woods of grays harbor washington in feb...i was trying to runaway from some very big difficulties and God brought me there with ladies I didn't know and was amazing.: the second would be the answer needed to go forward in life for me at this time: I will be praying and seeking what the message is from the The Lord>>>>>thank you both very much Debb

  7. I don't remember all of it but the last half;;;; where we lived, wherever that was; water would cover the whole place(running savearly,deep and swirling. there was a man guiding a boat-raft like thing with people. the man was my husband??? he didn't look like him but i am not sure what he looked like the people where being brought to where i was . it was a sort of cave an opening where the people could get off and be sheltered (safe) it sort of stuck out just a very little. it was hard to keep the raftthing held so the people could get off and in the caveish place down under the water, the people got off there weren't many and off he went off, a women looked at him leaving and asked where he was going it not safe out there,she was very concerned. she looked at me for answers i said he never stays and we went down just in timeas the water just swirled over the safe place but not into it.....i never saw the inside of it then it was as if i were looking at it the whole pic from above. the water was flowing over the whole place then i awoke

  8. it is nice to get to know all of you....my name is debb....i and my family have been dreaming for a while only able to fig some of them out, alot are pretty clear. but i didn't know we could interpret them. I am looking forward to learning more... my life is in a bit of a mess...or maybe not ...it might be right where the Lord has me for now ...learning..and seeking Him.....debb

  9. I hope i am doing this right, here goes... I was looking at a bed it was suppose to be mine, and a Latin family was in it. then i was looking at a parking lot blacktop and a young girl was squatting on it going to the bathroom right there in fount of everyone. I looked right in fount to my left and my deacesed husband was turning to me and handed me a folded up white night gown, turned me around and pushed me to a man standing there i could see him very clearly and we walked forward together to a small trailer on my property, but my brother-in laws daughter and her baby were in the top of it yet him and i went in ...then i woke
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