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Posts posted by Jennifer02

  1. I am not an interpreter. But I do have some thoughts. In reality, what does a bedroom represent? A bedroom represents comfort, intimacy, it's where you go to rest. Your bedroom usually is a picture of yourself, you decorate 'YOUR' Bedroom to mirror yourself, or your relationship. You don't have to show it off, or keep it clean like you do the rest of your house etc etc... This was your parent's room... I think you should focus on that. It was your parent's space. The old man could represent anything or anyone... you just need to figure out who he is to you. And who or what else you can see being in that kind of position in Your life. I think what the two of you were doing could very possibly represent something negative, something you're ashamed of. So now we have a reflective symbol of your parent, a person or thing that you see a certain way or feel a certain way about, and something you're ashamed of... now you just need to figure out what is between the lines... and how they fit together. Is there something in your life that you're afraid of people finding out about? And what is it about your parent? And how do you see or look up to the man in your dream? Could you be blocking the memory of something that happened when you were a child? Maybe something your parent knew about... Or was involved in.. or maybe you know something disturbing that you're ashamed to admit that you know...?

  2. by Jennifer02
    on Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:42 pmI had a dream that I was on a train.
    The train was filled with people I had known or been acquainted with at
    some point in my life. But we weren't together. They were just there. I
    was on a mission. A very important mission, but I wasn't the only one,
    we were separated for safety reasons. I had a duffel bag filled with
    tiny silver pebbles, and so did the others. We each were on different
    sections of the train. Also in this dream I got the distinct feeling
    that I was the one the others looked to. But the silver pebbles were so
    much more important than just stone. They were precious, and I was ...
    fond of them. It wasn't about money or them being worth worldly things.
    It was extremely important that I got them to their destination. Even
    worth my own life. I had to keep them secret, because although I knew
    everyone on the train, the enemy was everywhere, and I could trust no
    one! If he got a hold of them... It would be a very very bad thing!

    also had 7 diamonds in my pocket. They were varied in size and value.
    One was huge! about the size of a tangerine. But they were more
    important than anything! I was chosen to carry them. I felt unworthy of
    this responsibility. And I was so afraid of failing. I could NOT fail.
    It was an 'All would be lost' sort of thing. No one! Not even the others
    could know about the diamonds. I had to keep them safe. I could not
    lose them, and I could NOT let the enemy take them from me. But they
    kept falling out of my pocket onto the floor of the train. I would
    carefully pick them up as to not draw attention. But I just wanted to
    burst into tears! I kept thinking 'Why me!? I am not worthy of this!
    Look what keeps happening!?'

    Then the train started to slow to a stop
    and we were supposed to get off for a little while. I couldn't carry the
    duffel bag with me so I locked it in the bathroom and thought 'it would
    be safer locked in here. No one is allowed on the train until it's time
    to leave so this is good.' Then some one started talking to me while we
    were standing waiting for the train doors to open. Talking about
    something we did together once, but I was trying to plan. I could not
    leave the diamonds. I had to keep them with me. I had to know they were
    safe at all times. As we stepped out of the train I was thinking about
    how it was dangerous out here and why would we stop here... We were on
    the side of a mountain and the train tracks were on a crevice carved out
    of the side of this mountain. There was a path that zig zagged down to a
    valley with very green grass and white tents. I had to be very careful
    going down because it was very steep and the path was very narrow, if I
    wasn't careful I would fall.

    As we got closer to the valley it wasn't so
    steep, more like a hill and my brother came running to me, he had my
    daughter Naomi, who was almost 2 at the time. He was saying 'Jennifer!
    You HAVE to come see this! It's so awesome! Seriously!' I looked passed
    him and saw my uncle, whom I don't know very well at all, but he looked
    different, his eyes were bloodshot and he had sunken dark circles under
    his eyes and he looked so dirty and gross. His mouth was even dirty, and
    he was staring at me and walking in my direction. I tried to shush my
    brother but he kept trying to get me to go look at the thing he thought
    was so cool, so i finally looked him dead in the eyes and tried to show
    him with my eyes that he needed to listen to me and said in a clenched
    teeth whisper, 'Alex, listen to me! Please, you have to go. Run! Now!
    Run!' And he said, 'what? No you have to see this!' I took the diamonds
    out of my pocket and put them into Naomi's (my daughter) diaper and said
    in a whisper, 'Alex please, you have to listen! to me! Run! Go! Run
    And I pushed passed him and started walking to one of the white
    tents. The door was on my uncles side so I lifted up one corner and got
    in the tent. It had little red and flat square bricks scattered on the
    floor, and a black wood stove in the corner. He came in through the
    doors (the doors were just flaps that hung down, so they could easily be
    pushed aside.) I was scared. he was smiling and his teeth were gross,
    and he said 'Ah, Jennifer. I know. Yes, I know you have them. Lets make
    this easy. Give them to me and I will let you go.' I turned to lift the
    bottom of the tent and started to go out but he grabbed my foot and
    pulled me back. He had this weird hook thing that was on a stick like a
    shovel stick, but the hook was small and instead of it going around into
    a crescent shape, it curved and straightened out sideways if that makes
    any sense at all.. He laughed and said 'just give them to me, I know
    you have them and you WILL give them to ME!'. I said 'I don't know what
    you're talking about.' and he said 'haha! You do, and you will give them
    to me... one way or another.' and I said 'You will never get them!
    Haha! Haven't you heard? You. Lose.' Then he started flinging these
    small square tile-like red bricks at my face. They had a design on them
    but I can't remember. It hurt. He was getting really mad and he kept
    saying 'GIVE THEM TO ME!' as he kept flinging the bricks at my face with
    the weird hook thing. I turned to run and he grabbed me and threw me
    into an old fashioned like stove that was burning with fire.
    Then I woke
    up physically feeling pain on my face from the bricks.

    I just
    wish I could know what this means? and what I am supposed to do with it!
    Or what I am supposed to do period! Obviously God is giving these
    dreams to me for a reason. I don't believe that these are just every day
    things. These are full of meaning and purpose. Same with my other dream
    about the Ravens... I need to know what I am supposed to do... I can
    see the things that are symbolic, but I don't see what they are symbolic
    FOR. And I can't see where God is leading me... Can some one please
    interpret for me... Daniel interpreted the Kings dreams, and gave him
    direction as well... Daniel heard from God, And God used Daniel to give
    the king specific instruction. With this dream, and the Raven dream, I
    think every detail is extremely important. The train, the people, the
    silver, the diamonds specifically, AND them falling out of my pocket, my
    emotions, the mountain, the trail, the valley, the tents, hiding the
    diamonds in Naomi's diaper(whether Naomi or my brother specifically
    being important-I don't get that feeling especially since my brother was
    being so normal. But the way I talked to him was important.) the fire,
    the hook, the bricks. All of it. every detail. And same with the Ravens,
    The woods, the people, the water, the authority... I think they all are
    very very important details... I just don't understand. Why does God
    have to be so vague?

  3. If I may say something about one of your replies? I'm not trying to interpret anything, just a thought- I noticed that you have a lot of bitterness toward your parents and their church. I am only 27, and I don't think I have lived enough of my life to call myself wise. Disregard anything I say if you want and I wont be offended. But I think your parents did what they thought was right. I don't think they went to that specific church and had their relationships with God be as they were just so that you would lack depth in your relationship with God. God knew it would be that way before you were born and He knew that you would become who you are today because of the way you were brought up. One thing I have noticed in my relationship with my parents, is that the way they do things bugs the crap out of me. I criticize everything they do. And I also believe that when my girls grow up, they will do the same with me, blame me, and say 'it's all my parents' fault', And that in my opinion is how we grow. How we do better or worse than those before us. We take everything our parents did, and we believe they did it all TO us, instead of realizing that most of what they did was FOR us. We all make millions of mistakes, cross lines that we shouldn't, make choices that will ring on in the future. But the reality is... Atleast for me... EVERYTHING I do, revolves around my babies. EVERY choice I make I ask myself- will this be good for them? And some times, when life is really hard for me I can't seem to make good choices for them. Even though that is the job our heavenly father has given us as mother. To make choices for our children-HIS children, that will help them grow spiritually and make them stronger. To seal their hearts for HIS glory, that no matter what they do in their lives, no matter how far they wander, they will always ALWAYS be able to find their way back. I think maybe you should let go of that bitterness toward your parents and the church you grew up in, we are all hypocrites. We all are sinners in need of mercy and forgiveness. We all say one thing and do another... But now you are who you are. You see what you see and choose what you choose because that was part of your life.

    And about prayer, the bible says that God knows what we need before we even pray. I think God knows how to read between the lines, but I also believe it is so important to pray with our brothers and sisters-it strengthens us and brings us closer together spiritually. But I think limiting God's ability to understand his own children is putting God in a box. And... well... God can't fit in any box. ;)

    And about your son. Pray! Pray for him, show him the love and sacrifice of our Lord, read the bible to him, so that where ever he goes in his life he will ALWAYS know that God is waiting. Remember one thing, he is GOD'S child put in YOUR care. Because God new YOU would be best for him. I will pray for you. And if I never get to meet you in this life.. I'll see you on the flip side. hehe. :) God bless you sister.

  4. I had a dream that I was on a train. The train was filled with people I had known or been acquainted with at some point in my life. But we weren't together. They were just there. I was on a mission. A very important mission, but I wasn't the only one, we were separated for safety reasons. I had a duffel bag filled with tiny silver pebbles, and so did the others. We each were on different sections of the train. Also in this dream I got the distinct feeling that I was the one the others looked to. But the silver pebbles were so much more important than just stone. They were precious, and I was ... fond of them. It wasn't about money or them being worth worldly things. It was extremely important that I got them to their destination. Even worth my own life. I had to keep them secret, because although I knew everyone on the train, the enemy was everywhere, and I could trust no one! If he got a hold of them... It would be a very very bad thing! I also had 7 diamonds in my pocket. They were varied in size and value. One was huge! about the size of a tangerine. But they were more important than anything! I was chosen to carry them. I felt unworthy of this responsibility. And I was so afraid of failing. I could NOT fail. It was an 'All would be lost' sort of thing. No one! Not even the others could know about the diamonds. I had to keep them safe. I could not lose them, and I could NOT let the enemy take them from me. But they kept falling out of my pocket onto the floor of the train. I would carefully pick them up as to not draw attention. But I just wanted to burst into tears! I kept thinking 'Why me!? I am not worthy of this! Look what keeps happening!?' Then the train started to slow to a stop and we were supposed to get off for a little while. I couldn't carry the duffel bag with me so I locked it in the bathroom and thought 'it would be safer locked in here. No one is allowed on the train until it's time to leave so this is good.' Then some one started talking to me while we were standing waiting for the train doors to open. Talking about something we did together once, but I was trying to plan. I could not leave the diamonds. I had to keep them with me. I had to know they were safe at all times. As we stepped out of the train I was thinking about how it was dangerous out here and why would we stop here... We were on the side of a mountain and the train tracks were on a crevice carved out of the side of this mountain. There was a path that zig zagged down to a valley with very green grass and white tents. I had to be very careful going down because it was very steep and the path was very narrow, if I wasn't careful I would fall. As we got closer to the valley it wasn't so steep, more like a hill and my brother came running to me, he had my daughter Naomi, who was almost 2 at the time. He was saying 'Jennifer! You HAVE to come see this! It's so awesome! Seriously!' I looked passed him and saw my uncle, whom I don't know very well at all, but he looked different, his eyes were bloodshot and he had sunken dark circles under his eyes and he looked so dirty and gross. His mouth was even dirty, and he was staring at me and walking in my direction. I tried to shush my brother but he kept trying to get me to go look at the thing he thought was so cool, so i finally looked him dead in the eyes and tried to show him with my eyes that he needed to listen to me and said in a clenched teeth whisper, 'Alex, listen to me! Please, you have to go. Run! Now! Run!' And he said, 'what? No you have to see this!' I took the diamonds out of my pocket and put them into Naomi's (my daughter) diaper and said in a whisper, 'Alex please, you have to listen! to me! Run! Go! Run now!' And I pushed passed him and started walking to one of the white tents. The door was on my uncles side so I lifted up one corner and got in the tent. It had little red and flat square bricks scattered on the floor, and a black wood stove in the corner. He came in through the doors (the doors were just flaps that hung down, so they could easily be pushed aside.) I was scared. he was smiling and his teeth were gross, and he said 'Ah, Jennifer. I know. Yes, I know you have them. Lets make this easy. Give them to me and I will let you go.' I turned to lift the bottom of the tent and started to go out but he grabbed my foot and pulled me back. He had this weird hook thing that was on a stick like a shovel stick, but the hook was small and instead of it going around into a crescent shape, it curved and straightened out sideways if that makes any sense at all.. He laughed and said 'just give them to me, I know you have them and you WILL give them to ME!'. I said 'I don't know what you're talking about.' and he said 'haha! You do, and you will give them to me... one way or another.' and I said 'You will never get them! Haha! Haven't you heard? You. Lose.' Then he started flinging these small square tile-like red bricks at my face. They had a design on them but I can't remember. It hurt. He was getting really mad and he kept saying 'GIVE THEM TO ME!' as he kept flinging the bricks at my face with the weird hook thing. I turned to run and he grabbed me and threw me into an old fashioned like stove that was burning with fire. Then I woke up physically feeling pain on my face from the bricks.

    I just wish I could know what this means? and what I am supposed to do with it! Or what I am supposed to do period! Obviously God is giving these dreams to me for a reason. I don't believe that these are just every day things. These are full of meaning and purpose. Same with my other dream about the Ravens... I need to know what I am supposed to do... I can see the things that are symbolic, but I don't see what they are symbolic FOR. And I can't see where God is leading me... Can some one please interpret for me... Daniel interpreted the Kings dreams, and gave him direction as well... Daniel heard from God, And God used Daniel to give the king specific instruction. With this dream, and the Raven dream, I think every detail is extremely important. The train, the people, the silver, the diamonds specifically, AND them falling out of my pocket, my emotions, the mountain, the trail, the valley, the tents, hiding the diamonds in Naomi's diaper(whether Naomi or my brother specifically being important-I don't get that feeling especially since my brother was being so normal. But the way I talked to him was important.) the fire, the hook, the bricks. All of it. every detail. And same with the Ravens, The woods, the people, the water, the authority... I think they all are very very important details... I just don't understand. Why does God have to be so vague?

  5. Thank you so much for your reply! And it does make sense! :) But one thing I realized I left out, was that I got the distinct feeling that I was leading those people. It's difficult to explain because it's not like I was their boss or telling them where to go or what to do... If that makes any sense. And also that the big bird was looking for ME specifically. I plan on posting my other dreams soon. One of which I also felt like their leader. Even though in all reality, I am definitely NOT a leader. I am a follower, and I am shy and quiet... So it confuses me even more. One more thing I think I should add, is that the feeling I get now, while I am awake, is that this dream is very spiritual. Not physical. I don't know if that helps.

  6. I had a dream a couple years ago, that haunts me constantly. I've actually had a number of dreams that I know-without a doubt- that are from the Lord, 3 that are consistently on my mind. The first dream was from about 3 years ago, I've had the same exact dream about 3 or 4 times since then. At the time my husband and I had only 2 children, we now have 3. My grandparents own 30 acres of land with a 4 acre lake which is where I grew up and learned to swim and explored in the woods behind the lake. We live on their property in a separate house.
    The Ravens Dream-
    My family and I were in the woods behind the lake but there was no foliage, just pine needles and red dirt. We were running as fast as we could, my husband was carrying our oldest, Selah, (who at the time was 3) and I was carrying Naomi (who at the time was only about 5 months old.). There were people following us... Hundreds of people, and they were screaming as these massive black birds with red eyes snatched them and crushed them to death with their talons. My heart was racing as I ran for mine and my family's life! All the people behind us were being picked off one by one! As we reached the edge the woods, almost to the small dam (that lines one side of the lake and goes down around the other side flattening into the bank) when I saw that the sky was darkened by thousands of these enormous raven like birds. I didn't even notice fully that as we came out of the woods into openness that my children were no longer with us, there was no worry for them what so ever. My husband and I stood on the dam for a split second frozen by the sight of the birds swooping into the trees and pulling out people crushing them and then dropping them, the sounds of their screams and the sound of the birds cry were so loud. In that split second I opened my mouth AS THE THOUGHT CAME, and screamed "GET IN THE WATER!! EVERYONE!!" no one could hear me so I looked to my husband pale with dread, and he understood immediately, then he screamed for them to get into the water, and people started running out of the woods and jumping into the water, my husband and I also jumped into the water. I had to come up for air and when I did I saw the birds diving into the water to get them. I thought "no no no no! this isn't supposed to happen! not here!" my heart was broken! and I was afraid! Then I saw the biggest one of all! He wasn't flapping his wings or diving, but he was gliding. His head moving side to side his eyes focused, he was searching. Just as I realized that, his eyes met mine and he turned in my direction and started flapping faster.. and faster. Instantly I was furious with emotion. Anger! Sadness! And I knew what I had to do. The emotion became more powerful. I was full of rage! Full of Passion! Full of authority and there was no doubt in my mind, no more fear, no more sadness. I KNEW! (I don't know WHAT I knew, it was just an overpowering KNOWING!) With all the emotion, all my energy, all my love, all my hate, all my passion, all my anger, and all the energy that came from anything I ever feared I yelled in a voice that rang with the most powerful authority-"By the power invested in me through Jesus CHRIST KING OF KINGS! By the one TRUE GOD! I COMMAND THIS WATER TO BECOME HOLY WATER!" and instantly the birds started turning to dust and I woke up.

    The feelings... the emotions were so powerful. So immense that I cried for an hour after I woke up the first time. Not understanding a thing! Please. Help me.

    Thank you
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