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Posts posted by roseleen

  1. Hi!

    I hope someone can help with this.

    I was in my bedroom in my flat (apartment) but I knew in the dream that it was my family home. I had borrowed my sister's cat, but in the dream it was a cat belonging to my friend. Anyway, the cat was in my bedroom sniffing for mice when a RACCOON came out of nowhere and started attacking the cat. At one point in the attack the raccoon turned and looked at me. He bit the cat and the cat burst with Blue Blood spattering on the wall. At this point I shouted for my Dad, who has been dead for 13 years, he came in and asked what was going on. I told him what happened and he spoke to me but I don't remember what he said.

    That's all of the dream I remember. I would have forgotten it but I had the dream more than a week ago and everyday after I wake up, I remember that raccoon looking at me.

    I live in Ireland and we don't have raccoons so I was really shocked to see that.

    Can anyone help me please? Thanks.
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