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Posts posted by Priscilla

  1. thanks connie and to dreamstar sorry for not understanding you but i promise to take the your interpretation seriously, and connie right now am not working at that company but the other surprising thing is that i communicate with other people from my former office well they call me to find out how am doing but he has never called but i keep having dreams about him and i cant say we were close no, but just last week i had another dream about him in this dream we were in his car out side my church were i congregate he was about to start driving and i was seated in the back seat but before the car stared moving i told him am not comfortable sitting in the back seat and he told me to move to the front seat and i did that and that's how i woke up what can this dream mean? scratching chin thanks and Bless You

  2. month ago i had a dream of this man i worked with who never used to talk to me, but talked to others in the office, but in the dream that i had he was very nice to me and he actually took me to his home and showed me all the rooms in his home.from the kitchen to the last room he was very nice in the dream than in real life,and after that i woke up nd could not sleep again so i closed my eyes but i was not sleeping then i saw my self with him and i was pregnant it was like i was watching a movie of myself. so just opened my eyes and prayed but since then i have never stopped thinking about the dream. please please help me interpret the dream.

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    crying crying crying

  3. a month ago i had a dream of this man i worked with who never used to talk to me, but talked to others in the office, but in the dream that i had he was very nice to me and he actually took me to his home and showed me all the rooms in his home.from the kitchen to the last room he was very nice in the dream than in real life,and after that i woke up nd could not sleep again so i closed my eyes but i was not sleeping then i saw my self with him and i was pregnant it was like i was watching a movie of myself. so just opened my eyes and prayed but since then i have never stopped thinking about the dream. please please help me interpret the dream. crying

  4. good morning people of God, in need an interpretetion for my dream, a night after i took an application for a job at one of the tv stations, i had a dream that we were moving to the capital city so me and my father went looking for a house then we found a house and in this house was a man who showed us all the rooms, and this house was fully furnished it was very very beautiful, so after we finished all the looking around this man asked us one question do u like the house and we said yes we like it, he said its all yours and he left, after a few minutes a walking baby appeared saying this is were i stay but after some time the baby left, then on the other side of the yard of the same house was a very beautiful lown were these biker boys were sited and had no idea of what they were waiting for. I tried to interprete my own dream and thot that a comfirmation that i will get a job at the tv station but it has been three weeks now. Pliz help

    second dream
    i had a dream last night that i received a parcel from a postman and when the parcel came i was with my friends, when i opened the parcel i found new balloons i tried to blow one but i couldnt and the balloons had a message on them but i could not see the message because i couldnt blow them to a big size. But i gave my friends a balloon each and thats how the dream ended.
    I will really appreaciate your interpretation.

  5. my name is cilla from zambia, am currently praying for my self concerning the two things listed below, i just need someone to stand with me. a permanent job in the IT/IS department, and a desired life partner.

  6. just want a comfiration on this dream. I dreamt that the youngest son of our family friend, came to tell me that a man is coming to marry me, but i didnt know who this person coming to marry me was, but the other thing is that i had one child female out of wedlock and after he told me that someone is coming to marry me i became worried cause i jst realised that i was pregenant, with a second child out of wedlock, and i started asking myself but how is this man going to marry with two kids out of wedlock and i asked myself another question, how did it happen.

  7. the dream started when we were outside and around us were alot of gifts to be given out, and we were called one by one my time came and i was given my big box but in that box was just an iron and some fresh cupcake. Then we moved to another place it was inside, and we were trying to get some thing from the former president of my country zambia but he refused to give us and told us 'i will not give you what you want untill the one ruling comes and gives you what you want we pleaded with him but no he did not give us, then the last part of the dream i was not in a group of people i was alone with my boyfriend but he was invisable but i could call his name, i was running to the church then i found that it was full then the usher by the door told me that if i run i will find two empty seats in front of the church and i ran from the door to the front and sat and found alot of people who gave me hugs, hand shakes every was smiling, but one surprising thing it that could not see my boyfriend then i started askin myself were he remain coz we entere the church together please help me interprete this dream.
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