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Posts posted by ekaris

  1. Thanks John7 my life is already changing after reading the many posts from most of you especially Mia. I recorded my first two dreams last night on my phone recorder something i never knwe could be done. God bless you all.

  2. Hello to all you good people' Pleased to come across this great forum and I have been reading most of the posts here today and what a great insight into how God talks to us. I am excited and ready to learn as much as I can as well as interpret the many dreams i have had over the years. God bless you all.

  3. I truly bless God for this forum as i have been reading through and it has opened my eyes to many things God has always spoken to me in Dreams.
    I have had more than two dreams that had numbers and i have tried to intrepret them but dint get anything.
    The first was i saw someone hand me an envelop (brown in colour) and on top was written 132M. I dint see the person who gave it to me but i felt like it contained a very important thing for me.
    The other was just the same when i was handed in an envelop (cant remember seeing any colour) and on ot was written 126.
    These two dreams were very short but all I know is that they have come at a time when am praying for financial miracles.
    The last was quite recent and i was sitted with collegues and there seemed to be a discussion and i was not actively involved in the discussion. Then after a while one of my collegues passed a bundle of papers or a folder and announced that she and her husband had given me one million dollar contract. then i woke up.
    I only feel like these three are related but i dont know how to pray about them or what they mean . Kindly if God helps you to understand i would greatly appreciate.
    God bless
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