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Posts posted by ladyanon

  1. I am always so pleasantly surprised every time someone comments on this post I made over three years ago!

    Sadly, nothing has happened regarding Jim.  In fact, this last month has been a real struggle for me.

    Even though nothing has happened yet with Jim, I can reflect and see how God has been changing me.  I still have faith that one day God will bring me and Jim together.  These last four and a half years have not been for nothing.  I would really like to hear your story and could really use the encouragement.  I haven't posted enough to PM you, but I set up an email account.  If you don't mind sharing your story, please email me at  ladyanon919@yahoo.com  I really hope to hear from you!

  2. Ladyk and Mia, so glad to hear from you both! Ladyk, I pray that you will find what you're looking for!

    To give an update on my situation: nothing has happened.

    It's been almost two years since I first posted on this forum and just over three years since I heard the voice. My relationship with God has ebbed and flowed since because I am human and I drift. I am always conscious of God and talk to Him a lot throughout the day. I feel like my relationship with Him has grown tremendously since I heard the voice.

    As far as Jim goes, I am still having the dreams every month or two. I pray for him regularly and feel very confident that he's the one God has chosen for me. God has given me little confirmations over the years and has also given me a LOT of patience! I am very content in waiting. I have never been patient person, but waiting for Jim is surprisingly easy. I have moments of stress and doubt, but they go away quickly. I am also very happy with where my life is going, I do not sit at home waiting for Jim. I am living and having fun!

    Thanks to social media, I am able to kind of keep up with him. I say kind of because I am not a Facebook friend or Twitter follower of his. I have still never divulged this story to anyone but this forum. Through my talks with God I get the feeling that Jim is waiting for me too. It would be highly unlikely that he knew me, but according to his social media, he hasn't had a girlfriend since I heard the voice. He had one shortly before, but not since. I find that odd, because he is young and attractive.

    I wish I could have updated you all and told you that we were happily married with one on the way! I definitely don't want to push God's timing to fit my needs and He has been faithful to me by keeping me happy and content with where I am. So here's some sage advice, wait on God! He's got the best plan!

    Blessings to you all!

  3. Geez, I've been away for a while. I love all your posts and testimonies! Thank you, each of you, so much for taking the time to read this and respond. I have been praying in earnest about this for some time, praying that if it's not God's will that He will take this desire from my heart, but it just grows. I hope one day I will be able to say that I heard the voice and x years later I met him and we're still married 40 years later! But if it doesn't happen, I'll still give glory to God and if it does happen, I'll give glory to God. I have decided to be okay with whatever God decides He wants for my life and I feel very at peace with that decision. Again, thank you all for sharing!

  4. Hi Laura,
    I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read my post and respond. I read your response a few hours ago and have prayed over it and thought a great deal about it. I had read your story before, in fact it was what encouraged me to pen my own. Since January God has been teaching me a lot of things but mainly to rely on Him and find my identity in Him. Sometimes I get so anxious over these dreams and the possibilities of the future that I get lost in the now and forget about what I'm supposed to be doing this minute to prepare for my future, whatever it may be. I put this out there wondering, hoping that I could get confirmation through someone else. However, God doesn't always work that way. Just because I want it, doesn't mean I'm going to get it. I have to keep reminding myself that God does love me and always has in mind what's best for me long term. He isn't keeping things from me that I want or not giving me things out of spite as humans often do. I feel a tiny bit foolish for looking for confirmation but I know this was written for a reason. Perhaps this will be useful in some way to someone else. God always has a plan. Thank you again. God bless.

  5. I have never told this story to a soul. And if you knew me, you'd be surprised because I often seek advice and I share things with loved ones. This, however, is so precious and close to me that I felt telling someone may destroy it. I am only sharing it here because of the anonymity the internet provides and because I have read similar stories on this site and feel like I can share this without being judged. For that, I am very grateful. I apologize for the length.

    My story begins in September 2009, I was watching TV and saw this man, a man who I had never seen before nor heard his name. He's not what I'd call a celebrity (it was a local channel) but he is kind of well known. The nanosecond that I saw his face a voice in my mind said, "That's my future husband." I thought that was really strange because nothing like that had ever happened to me before. Like I said, I didn't know who he was back then so I googled him and found out more. For clarity, I'll call him Jim. For the first two or three months I didn't know what to do with the information. For one thing, I had kind of fallen away from God, my life was in a bad place and I didn't know if God would give me this because I hadn't really been speaking to Him much. Secondly, I thought I was a little crazy. Hearing a voice? How could I ever explain that to anyone? So I began to pray about it and to pray for Jim. I basically told God that I didn't know what to do with this information, that if it wasn't from Him could He please take away the feelings, help ease my grief and move on.

    A couple of months after hearing the voice I had the first dream. Jim and I were at our wedding reception. I was wearing a beautiful white gown and he in a grey suit. We were mingling with our guests, talking, laughing. It was nice. Then the dream morphed to the next morning. And just for the record, there has never been one hint of anything sexual in my dreams. So the next morning we are packing and getting ready for our honeymoon and both of our mothers are at our house. Jim was sitting on the couch talking with my mom and I walked into the room and was flooded with this beautiful, wonderful emotion that I couldn't identify in the dream. Shortly after, I woke up and was able to conjure the emotion when I remembered the dream. The emotion was joy. Until that moment, I had never in my life experienced joy. It was amazingly simple and profound all at once. It was also extremely addictive. Throughout the following day I would remember the dream and the feeling would come back. It faded as the day wore on and by the end of the day I couldn't feel it anymore and haven't been able to since.

    The second dream came a long time after. I didn't write it down so I don't remember much of it, but it was another "feeling" dream. I was with Jim and felt a very deep, pure love for him. Another emotion I have never experienced. I felt so connected to him and it felt so spiritual, like it was the way God intended for a couple to feel about one another when they were in a Godly, sound relationship.

    The third dream was a two part-er. The first part of the dream I was at Jim's parent's house. He was introducing me to them but he was very reluctant to do so. In the dream he was very distant and I was scared that he may have "found me out". From the first time I heard the voice I haven't felt good enough for Jim. Anyway, turned out his family loved me and then he eased up and everything was back to normal. Then the dream switched and something bad had happened to Jim and he was having to have surgery. I was at the hospital with his family waiting for him to come out. He did but he was in a coma and I remember feeling so distraught. His doctor kept telling me to talk to him, he believed that Jim could hear though he couldn't respond and so I did. I read to him, told him about the day, etc. It was another moment of feeling a very deep connection. In the end he woke up and was fine and I was filled with relief.

    The fourth, I dreamt that Jim and I were at the same event. I don't know what it was, it was at night in a park-like setting. At the end of the event he was taken away by ambulance. He wasn't hurt, but he was wearing an oxygen mask. Here's where it gets weird, someone hooked up a fire extinguisher to the other end of the hose. I saw this as the ambulance was leaving and ran after it and pulled the extinguisher off. The ambulance doors opened and he was lying on a stretcher, passed out. I took the mask off of his face and he awoke feeling very groggy. I don't know why I wouldn't administer CPR and get near those beautiful lips! But anyway, I told the ambulance driver I was a nurse and they all believed me and we went to a hospital. (I am not a nurse.) He was put into a room and I, now in scrubs, was pretending to take care of him. I knew it was wrong and I felt so bad, but I just wanted to be near him. I put off starting an IV for as long as I could but when the time came to do it, I bailed. Here's another weird part, the nurses all gossiped about me and told Jim what I'd done and he was very hurt that I'd lied to him and I felt horrible. While I was taking care of him, I felt that same love feeling I'd been having in my dreams.

    The fifth (and final to date) dream I had was a few weeks ago. I dreamt that we were with a group of mutual friends and that Jim asked me to go on this indoor climbing wall. We were climbing up together but suddenly we were outside with no protective gear. We got to the top and I told him I was scared, so he pulled me near and held me and kissed me once. Then we climbed down the side together. It was really nice, he kissed me and I felt like he was protecting me.

    So I've had five dreams in about 14 months. They don't come often, but I cherish them when they do. A little side information, Jim was injured a week after I heard the voice, not seriously but it could've been really bad. So I understand the medical dreams, I'm worried for his safety. Also, I have prayed about this, begged God to take the feelings away, been angry about it, wept, everything. I'm very confused. If this was a gift from God then I am preparing my heart and life for Jim. But some days I think it was a trick of Satan. Or else Satan is trying to lead me to believe it was a trick when it was really from God. I know Satan deals in confusion and deceit. I know he is out to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10) So daily, I pray for Jim's safety and I pray that God is guiding his life and preparing his heart for me if it is His will. This has been going on for so long that it's a normal part of my life. I want Jim in a way I've never wanted another man. I want him because he is such a Godly man, I think he would be a great husband and father, I think he would ensure that God was in our lives and truly be a husband I could submit to. Since I heard the voice I have rededicated my life to God. I really do have a personal relationship with Jesus and for the first time in my life I can say I love the Lord without feeling fake. So even if Jim never surfaces in my life (I have never met him), I am forever grateful to God for drawing me back to Him. Since I have never told anyone about this, I only have my journal to write my feelings in and I have joked that God used Jim as holy bribery. Seriously, just a joke! I feel much better now that I've typed all this out. Again, I am so grateful for a forum such as this. I would love to hear any feedback anyone may have. I suppose I am specifically looking for confirmation. I know what I feel in my spirit, but I am troubled by thinking that I may be being deceived. God bless you all!
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