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Posts posted by mebaby333

  1. My 11 year old daughter had this dream...

    She was standing with a friend and she saw a yellow dotted arrow pointing upwards so she looked up. Jesus spoke to her and then storm clouds rolled in and a rhino came out of the sky and began destroying everything.She said it was very windy and her and her friend were running. My husband and I were standing at the door yelling for her to come in and her and her friend did.
    I asked her how she felt when the rhino chased her she said scared

  2. I had a dream about 2 weeks ago.

    I was at work and was on the phone with a man who seemed to be a friend that could also have been associated with my job enough that I could go see him "on the clock". I don't think I wanted to meet with him about the job but I could use it for an excuse to leave and see him. I was walking up and down the hall and conversating about getting to see him. He replied in a way that made it seem like I should wait but he kept beating around the bush. He then said " The guys from MIT are here so everyone is running around like crazy". After he said that I began to feel extremely woosey. Like I was intoxicated. I leaned against the wall for support so I wouldn't fall and then began sliding down the wall. I did not do anything like drink or take drugs to cause the feeling it just rushed over me. Also my intentions toward him were pure... I just felt like I needed to go speak to him but I don't know what for.

    I had another one like the week prior where I was establishing that I needed to go see this guy but did not schedule it. I never felt intoxicated or anything in the first dream.

  3. So the impression I received after reading was that the relationship may be a divine relationship... not actually your marriage but as in we are the bride of Christ... so possibly you will influence his relationship with God is a way that causes him to go "all in"
    The doors closing may be a call for you to enter into the secret place of the Most High and intercede...

  4. Many times our promises put off a "death" just before they grow into something grand... this came up in me as I read your posts...

    John 12:24 NLT
    I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels--a plentiful harvest of new lives.


    1 Cor 15:36 NLT
    What a foolish question! When you put a seed into the ground, it doesn't grow into a plant unless it dies first.

    Just when it seems dead... It lives at a whole new level... because it becomes His not by our work but by His grace... after we have exhausted all our "works" to achieve the promise and we feel its gone... ha ha then He can do what He does best and bring life to it ;) He has not forgotten you....

  5. If I may take a moment to encourage your heart...
    First the dream seems to be revealing how you feel about something... salmon's tend to be known for their challenging life. They go against the grain swimming upstream yet they somehow always make it upstream. Your dream seems to show a fear that resides within that this moment questioning whether or not your dream you have been aspiring toward has "expired" with this final event in august and your looking for a place of direction or reassurance of your dream and promise to come to pass.
    Was there an ending to your dream or was that all of the dream?

    Second... if He promised it to you then you will have what He has said. Don't watch the waves or look at the supposed "expiration" date... He is not a man that He would lie and He won't take it back

    May I ask what the promise He gave was?

  6. Probably all stuff you knew... but since God gave it so plainly to me I thought I would share...

    The issue with the ring reflects the same issue.... dealing with a root problem and not symptoms... see the ring was a root of evil and upon its destruction in the movie the darkness would have to go... which is reflected in your dream...

    God did not mention what the building was just that it was a body of people as in the examples I mentioned...

    This next part is my own thought... Is your husband going through a struggle at work? Or is he facing something?

  7. As I read through your dream I got this.... take it or leave it :)

    The building represents a body of people (a country, a business, a mindset, a belief system, etc).. the evil man in the basement is the enemy weakening the foundation that will eventually bring down the whole establishment if left unattended. You felt the root (man in the basement) needed to be dealt with not all of the other effects of the enemy in the foundation... the henchmen were simply "symptoms" of the issue.... you knew they were a waste and without dealing with the root there would be no help for those within the building.

    Thats what I got as I read....
    be blessed :)

  8. As I slept I saw a house and walked in with a group of people (5 I believe) from a side entry door. It was a giant rectangular house and it had 2 stories. Now knowing many times in dreams the houses represent ourselves I immediately began asking God " is this my house?" The reality was I was a bit confused... a 2 story house would not be listed in my book of desires.. but the house was beautiful, old yet well taken care of.. I walked through soaking in its character. It was simple yet grand. I turned and found myself upstairs there were 4 rooms. 1 room was of particular interest to me. I fell in love with it. The furniture was minimal, the space was very large and the windows went from the floor to as far as I could see up. I walked over to a window and sat on the beautiful old wood floor and looked out. I saw an amazing tree pressing against the glass. It carried a deep green set of leaves that were flooding it's crown and it sported the most vibrant pink puffy flowers. By this time an older woman came up and I turned to her and said " it's so beautiful" she replied simply " it's like that in the spring". Again I transitioned down stairs and found the people with me were talking of turning it into a 10 bedroom house and I kept trying to find ways that no more walls would be erected so I said let's just put an extra door on the bedrooms and add more beds... mind you throughout this experience I am still asking God whose house this is, He never responded to that question.

    I had never seen a tree like that so I Googled tree deep green leaves and pink puff flowers and found it was a mimosa tree. So I ask more questions to God. I told my mom the dream and she simply smiled and said "a mimosa tree". After looking deeper I also found that a mimosa tree is also known as an Acacia tree.

  9. I am waiting on God to give full meaning of this dream... This is one of the first dreams He has given me that has so much information to it...
    Any prayer on and help is a blessing :) Thanks :)

    I was in a parking garage and a young black man was standing in a striped parking area off to the side, I went to my awesome parking spot and pulled out and as I passed him I felt compelled to tell him I was sorry I should have saved the spot for him when I heard his buddy shouting out that my spot was open but someone else had already jumped into my spot... in my thought process I was just doing something quickly and would be parking once again...

    After this I found was on an island, I arrived apparently on a medium sized cruise type ship... like you may see for a day cruise...

    On the island were mini parties or gatherings... at one point I recall looking down off a balcony and below was a group of older women that were dressed in expensive risky type swimsuits but they all looked the same... black leather type swimsuits.. with 3 bibles in my hand I went in to the restroom to use it prior to the ship leaving... but the stall was weird.. it had 3 Commodes... and they were all metal... there were wet type cleaning wipe things and the toilet paper was really too high to reach... when I was in the stall I overheard a young dark skinned lady talking about how some people were just so dirty and rude and like comments about the decline of peoples state of caring and such and when I opened the stall I said.. "You know my mom always told me... you can only do so much at a time... " and then I started saying "You know how we fix it?" and I looked down at 2 thermos bottles left behind by some people... and in unison we both said " One piece at a time" and smiled.... I picked up my 3 bibles and headed out to see that there were 3 of us now running because the boat was pulling out.. It seems like I saw my brother James for a split second just long enough for the warning of the ship and then he was gone... figured on the ship lol...

    We all ran to the dock where there were 2 like buoy boats or whatever to pick up the stragglers... but I had to jump into the water to get to the little boat and I didn't want my bibles to get drenched... It was very important to me that they not get in the water... so first I laid out all 3 of my bibles in a straight line and as I turned for the boat I said to myself " they will be a seed I guess" and I turned back to look again... and then I stopped and I said to God.. "am I supposed to be leaving the Bibles? or am I supposed to be staying here? I mean is there something for me to do?" Mind you I had nothing but these bibles and within only one of the three bibles was a bulge from a pen or pencil maybe a highlighter... everything I owned was on the first ship which had already left... and this last buoy boat was starting to leave...

    at this point I woke up and walked around the house for a minute... bout 1:30am... I started praying and then laid back down to be met with the same question... do I swim for this last boat ... my last chance to get back to the main ship or is there something I need to stay here for..... I ended up thinking .. well if I get on this ship God will still have His will and since I am not hearing a response well I will try to get on....

    I swam for the boat and got on... I was sitting in the front and all of a sudden as soon as I was settled... rolling water began to overrun just the front half of the boat... I instantly knew I had to get off the boat.... so I apologized and told them its okay I would hop off and they should be fine... as I hoped off the boat and swam back to the dock their boat regained its steady and continued on and I stood on the dock asking God okay now What do you have for me? and reminding Him in my own little moments that I had nothing.. and so nowhere to sleep or no money to get a place... I had no cell phone to call for help... nothing... just my bibles and my wet clothes... and with that I began walking up a dirty broke down paved road barefoot... you know the kind that almost don't look paved anymore because they have so much damage.....

    Please note.... the waters were never choppy, I was never afraid, I was always aware of God and talking to Him... asking questions to Him... when the boat was being overflowed with water it was an attitude like... "yep saw that coming... excuse me gotta go" It was matter o fact not full of fear...

    I may also add that God abrubtly awoke me from sleep in August of last year and said plainly "Back side of the desert" and the last 11 months have reflected such...

  10. Thanks... I have had a couple others but generally it was clear what it was about and usually it was a life changing event.... this one, well I have been praying and chatting with God and He has not disclosed it fully... but the other day I read back through and kind of chuckled... because there are some themes throughout... Thank you for taking the time to encourage me... :) I appreciate it... God Bless


  11. So a teeny foundation... I have been surrendered to Christ since 2003.. I have 3 children 2 girls and a boy. I am remarried, my 2 girls are from previous and my boy is from this marriage. My husband is not surrendered but speaks the "lingo" of christianese and convinces many that he is.... Even as a student of the Word I was mislead.. lol (I guess I still have some dirt lol) So we go through cycles he is completely carnal....sigh... We have been married for 3 years and within those 3 years have been frustrating but I am fighting the good fight right? So ummm verbal abuse, lazy, insecure, and so on... I studied out dreams a while back and since then my dreams have virtually disappeared so when I do have them I immediately go to God about them and handle them with care. This one is ... well I don't know... So here is my dream...

    So I walked into a house and my husband was sitting there with his pants down... smiling, I immediately left and while walking down a sidewalk to some unknown neighbors I was crying and saying... "Now I have to leave.... he has exposed himself to my girls" and I looked down in my shirt and I had a boil on my breast. I ended up inside a strange house... when I walked upstairs I had to jump onto a swinging platform to get to an area I needed to be in, but I can not remember what was in the area that I needed. Toward the end I was thinking to myself "God has forgiveness... Oh Father is this too far? I can't stay... " etc... I was going back and forth...

    I am faith driven and know that though God's arm is never too short to save as well as there are appropriate times when He releases us from things...
    I know in the past God has revealed many things to me through a night dream, but usually He gives me messages that have been life altering... I trust He will reveal it to me completely when it is the correct time... but in the meantime... if anyone could help....
    I might also add that this was a quick dream....
    Thank you for helping me search out the deep things of God....
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