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Posts posted by livingforthelord1

  1. Amen.

    Dove-Solutions wrote:

    I am so happy for you! Awesome Testimony! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! God is so awesome and he loves us through every trial and tribulation. When I look back on my own testimony I know the demons were rampant and the Lord delivered me from them all, so much so I saw them leave. It was totally awesome....I had no idea what was taking place until it was all over. I praised the Lord non stop for the longest time. I had no sense of time that day but I know it was quite a while. Anyway, enough about me, thanks so much for putting yourself out there so others can see that if we will trust the Lord and give our life to him, he will and can radically change us!

    Love in Jesus,


  2. My name is Sherry and this is my testimony.
    When I was at the age of 7 my father and I were at a grocery store. When we got to the check outs I saw this comic book that I wanted so I asked my dad if I could have it he was not paying attention to what kind it was, it was a comic book that was about witchcraft, it was from this time that I never cried. Ever since then any thing that had to deal with witchcraft or Satanism I had to have. All of my allowance went for books, pentagrams and so on. When I was 9 I went to the occult store and bought the satanic bible by Anton La Vey and magic books. My mother and father had absolutely no clue what was going on. I was studying on self trances along with moving things with my mind. It was around this time things started happening in my house, things would fly across the room, tables would move across the kitchen doors would slam any you could image did happen in the house. My inner self was so tuff nothing could penetrate it. I did not want anybody else in my world at that time. Then my parents had gotten a ojge board for my sister. I had a blast with it at the time.
    One day my oldest sister walked into the bed room were we slept. She took one look at me and went out of the room screaming. I personally don’t know what she saw but she did tell our mother that she never wanted to be alone with me ever again. Now for me I did know that I was going into a trance when she screamed and it jolted me back to reality. I was about the age of 12 when we had a mother and daughter move in on the 3rd floor the daughters name was Lorraine. I went to introduce myself when she stopped me and said that she already new my name. I asked her how she know my name and she said that she was sent to help me in my studies and to protect me to keep me out of harms way she was also a witch.
    When I was 14 my father was upset with me and when he was in my room he slapped me across the face I can’t remember what it was for but I do know that when he did that I laughed in his face. I never saw my dad cry but he did that day. My mother heard the laugh and she said it sent chills up and down her spine. It was at this point that she know something was desperately wrong with me. It was not too long after this that my dad moved away. By the time I was 16 years of age I was looking for a coven to join.
    Then one day one of my friends Sandy asked if I would go to a Christian retreat with her at Luther dale it was in the middle of January. I went with her but would step out of all the bible studies that they would have. It was on a Saturday night a guy named Tim came in he was the sound man for the band that played that night, he was also a close friend of my friend Sandy. The next day Sandy told me that instead of taking the bus home we were going to get a ride from this guy Tim, I didn’t care it was her friend. All the way home he called me a little tag a long, but that was ok it did not bather me one bit. We got back to my house before my mom got home and we all came into the house. About an hour later Sandy said that she had to run home, Tim looked at her and said I thought you were home. She only lived a block away from me. All of this time he thought I was her little sister. When she was gone he apologized for being so rude to me it was at this point the asked me out. Tim was brought up in a Christian family, and every time he would ask me if I would go to Church I would answer no. there was one day we sat down and talked and he asked why I never want to go to Church I told him that I had my god and I did not need his. I let him know that I was a witch and practicing Satanism.
    One day with out telling me where we were going we stopped at a very secluded area of the beach no one ever went to that area. He turned of the car and rolled up the windows. And locked the doors where I could not get out. With that he started praying. I personally do not know what happened by the time he was done over 5 hours had gone by and all I could remember was sitting there crying. It was the first time since I was 7 that I had cried It was at this point that Christ started to work with me. It was a long road back and a lot of detours. When we got back to my house he asked where all of my books were. And I showed him. As we were taking them out to the ally and pilling them there he counted of 300 books. As he lit the books up and was adding more books into the flame, the flame would roar and lung out at him when I would put a book into the flame, the flame would shoot the other direction. At this point I did not except the free gift of the Lord yet. The changes were loosed just a tad. It was not long after that, that Tim got me into the drug scene Satan know he still had me, but I was able to walk into a church.
    It was in November 14, 1976 when Tim and I were married and it was not to long after that, that I found out that he was cheating on me. I always figured two can play the same game. So between doing drugs and running around I was quit messed up, I was doing everything short of heron. It was not until 1980 when I found out that I was pregnant with my first baby. When I found out she said that I was 6 weeks along and I started to put two and two together seeing that I had my friend up to 4 month along and that is when she said I was 6 weeks. That was the day I cried out to God to help me I was on all of these drugs and had no idea that I was pregnant. It took just that one prayer and I was a born again Christian. It was from that day on that I stopped all the drugs I had absolutely no flash backs no withdrawals none what so ever. It was in 1983 after my 2nd son was born is when I was baptized my husband did every thing he could to stop me with out just coming out and so no don’t do it. In 1985 my daughter was born. By 1986 we started really growing apart he always wanted to go out and party and do drugs and I had a life with Christ and my children. In 1988 my husband and I were divorced in 1990 I was married to my husband that I have now his name is Don we have our ups and downs but nothing that I cant handle I love him dearly and pray that before it is to late that he would truly except the Lord. Only God knows his heart I don’t. Satan at the most is always attacking me through him. He uses my husband to say things like what do you get out of all these studies or what reward will you get with doing all of this that means nothing or God is more important that I am to you. I am always in my studies with my Lord. I get so much peace when I am by myself with my Father. It is wonderful to know that all my chains are broke and I am at total peace. When my husband is like that, I know it is not him talking that it is Satan using him to get to me all I can say to my husband is I love you and continue with what I am doing. He know I am a child of God and he will use any thing and every thing in his power to through at me to make me stumble in my walk with Christ.
    Lord Jesus I can not thank you enough for dieing for my sins and the free gift of salvation you gave me so many years ago all I had to do was ask and you gave it to me. Thank you Lord Jesus. I pray this in your Holy name Jesus Amen

  3. 1.) What is on your heart that you may have been praying or thinking heavily about the day or
    week/month prior to the dream?

    As far as I can remember there was nothing that was heavily in my heart and I don’t remember thinking about any thing either

    2.) Next, write out the dream.

    Something has been bothering me and I don’t quite know what it is. In a matter of fact I was not going to ask or Wright about this but I had a feeling today that I should post this I don’t know why but here it is. Any help what this might mean please let me know. For the past two months I have hade four dreams of a very old acutance of mine that I use to work with in the early 1980’s. The first time I had this dream it was where we worked but the factory was a small store but set up the same way. I was in line when he walked in the door and we both realized who both were and I went up and gave him a big hug and told him I was so happy to see him. Just this one dream upset me so much that for the next two I was obsess in trying to find his number to see if he is ok. Usually when I have a dream like this all I would do is call the person and make sure they are alright and that would be the end of it. Either they would tell me what is going on in there life or just tell me that every thing is alright. The last time that I had this kind of a feeling and dream was when another one of my friends was in a dirt bike motorcycle racing accident in California. He was at is parents house in Chicago recuperating he almost died in that accident.

    Now the second time was a dream out of the building where we met he was with his wife I assume that he married the three of us had a very delightful evening he looked so happy with her. I was more relaxed when I woke up with this dream.
    The third dream we were in the building where we worked we were at a distance from each other really never talked but still relaxed with what was going on around us in the dream. Last night I was walking and walked into a much larger building it was not the same building at all. And in my dream I asked to see this person and they took me to another area and I talked to this women she had told me that he no longer works there and I asked her if she could give be his number that I would like to call him. She wrote the number on a piece of paper but when she handed me the paper all that was on it was a bunch of letters that made no sense at all. I cant image why after 30 years am I having reoccurring dreams of this person I am absolutely bewildered about this.

    3.) Now, leave out the details in the dream, the symbols, the actions, etc., and only write how each and
    every symbol, action, word, situation, etc., made you feel.

    The first dream made me happy but uneasy.
    The second very comfortable just sitting and talking.
    The third busy.
    The fourth trying to figure out what happened.

    4.) How did it turn out?

    There was no outcome

    5.) What is the overall theme?

    The first dream made me very uneasy, unsettling
    The seconded happy
    The third ok
    The fourth bewildered

    6.) Where did it occur?

    All four dreams were in Chicago. The first and third dream was at the factory I use to work at the second was at the house I grow up in. the forth was a totally different factory that I never saw before.

    Who was in the dream?

    First dream my friend named Oscar, my daughter Suzy and myself.
    Second dream Oscar, another person in the dream that was his wife and myself.
    Third Oscar a lot of people I did not know and myself.
    Fourth dream people I did not know and myself but asking where Oscar was at.
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