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Posts posted by rachellestinnett

  1. This dream has been on my mind all day. I have been born again for about two weeks now. I am married to a believer, am a mother of 1, and am 6 months pregnant with another.

    In my dream, there was this huge tornado. I knew that the tornado was evil as it was destroying everything in its path and was not standing straight up. It was curved and spiraling down the land. It was very destructive, but I did not know where this tornado was going. My husband got into the car and drove me and my 1 year old son to a safe place. When I looked down at my son, it was a girl. I do not know her exact age, but she was older than my son. I did not know what happened to him. I went to the mall to buy two bags of chips. While I was there, some people knew that the tornado was coming, and some acted like nothing was going to happen. I went around telling these people that they need to repent and ask for forgiveness because something terrible is about to happen and that they don't have much time. I am pregnant in my dream, and my baby is punching and kicking while I am in the mall. I am not afraid of death. I am more concerned about telling other people about Jesus. I feel an urgency for them to get saved before this evil, huge, tornado hits. I am running back and forth telling people. Some listen and some don't. Some of the people walk around like nothing is wrong, like it is a normal day. Then I hear this scream (I have no idea where it is coming from) associated with a deep feeling of fear in my heart. This scream is so distinct because it is loud and sounds painful and fearful. Then I hear a voice (unidentified) that the ones who are not saved will have this fear that I felt in their hearts. ..

  2. This dream has been on my mind all day. I have been born again for about two weeks now. I am married to a believer, am a mother of 1, and am 6 months pregnant with another.

    In my dream, there was this huge tornado. I knew that the tornado was evil as it was destroying everything in its path and was not standing straight up. It was curved and spiraling down the land. It was very destructive, but I did not know where this tornado was going. My husband got into the car and drove me and my 1 year old son to a safe place. When I looked down at my son, it was a girl. I do not know her exact age, but she was older than my son. I did not know what happened to him. I went to the mall to buy two bags of chips. While I was there, some people knew that the tornado was coming, and some acted like nothing was going to happen. I went around telling these people that they need to repent and ask for forgiveness because something terrible is about to happen and that they don't have much time. I am pregnant in my dream, and my baby is punching and kicking while I am in the mall. I am not afraid of death. I am more concerned about telling other people about Jesus. I feel an urgency for them to get saved before this evil, huge, tornado hits. I am running back and forth telling people. Some listen and some don't. Some of the people walk around like nothing is wrong, like it is a normal day. Then I hear this scream (I have no idea where it is coming from) associated with a deep feeling of fear in my heart. This scream is so distinct because it is loud and sounds painful and fearful. Then I hear a voice (unidentified) that the ones who are not saved will have this fear that I felt in their hearts. .

  3. This dream has been on my mind all day. I have been born again for about two weeks now. I am married to a believer, am a mother of 1, and am 6 months pregnant with another.

    In my dream, there was this huge tornado. I knew that the tornado was evil as it was destroying everything in its path and was not standing straight up. It was curved and spiraling down the land. It was very destructive, but I did not know where this tornado was going. My husband got into the car and drove me and my 1 year old son to a safe place. When I looked down at my son, it was a girl. I do not know her exact age, but she was older than my son. I did not know what happened to him. I went to the mall to buy two bags of chips. While I was there, some people knew that the tornado was coming, and some acted like nothing was going to happen. I went around telling these people that they need to repent and ask for forgiveness because something terrible is about to happen and that they don't have much time. I am pregnant in my dream, and my baby is punching and kicking while I am in the mall. I am not afraid of death. I am more concerned about telling other people about Jesus. I feel an urgency for them to get saved before this evil, huge, tornado hits. I am running back and forth telling people. Some listen and some don't. Some of the people walk around like nothing is wrong, like it is a normal day. Then I hear this scream (I have no idea where it is coming from) associated with a deep feeling of fear in my heart. This scream is so distinct because it is loud and sounds painful and fearful. Then I hear a voice (unidentified) that the ones who are not saved will have this fear that I felt in their hearts.
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