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Posts posted by Hope

  1. Hello again my brothers and sisters in Christ,
    I saw this forum and thought it a good place to get others to stand behind my husband and I in prayer. I know that God is the answer to not prayer but the word says "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
    My husband was charged with a crime a few years ago- that he did not do. He basically rolled over and played dead. He is now born again and living for the Lord and believes that the Lord is his defence and wants to get out from under this. He is taking steps to do that. This is very hard to do but we do know that God is bigger than the problem.
    Please if your so lead- pls pray for the situation. Thank you so much. God Bless, Hope

  2. Hello Campers!!!
    I am newly registered but have been lurking for about a month. I am a born-again Christian. I am 41 years old. I spend my days with my best friend and my three wonderful (almost grown children.) I have one amazing cat whose name is Snippers. God has blessed with a wonderful job that I love and I am part of a good body of believers.
    So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I am on the net rather infrequently but please feel free to give me a holler.

  3. Hello my new friends,
    I have been wandering around your site about a month now. I feel the Lord gives me a number of dreams and I want to learn how to interpret them correctly. My most recent dream was a few night ago- some of it seems strangely bizarre to me. I have been seeking the Lord for the interpretation and using sites like yours for help but I'm still quite puzzled. So here it is...

    My husband and I walk from one big white building to another. As we are walking away, I can sense my good friend Juanita is in the other building but I can't see her. As we walk into the building, I notice people sitting out front and then farther away is a sandy beach. People are walking everywhere. The sun is shining and beautiful. It's warm. We walk through a set of double doors with glass in them deep into the building. I find my daughter there. After a time, she says she's hungry. There is someone there with food- she is sitting down. Gail (my daughter says she wants M and M's. I get some peanut ones from the lady- I thought they were free. The lady meanly says 60 cents. I say sixty cents. Then I hand them over to a young girl standing next to me maybe three or four and ask her to hold them till I come back. She smiles and takes them. I walk back up towards the doors because I realize I left money on the table outside the door. As my husband and I get up to the doors we see (thru windows in the doors) people smiling and enjoying themselves as a tsunami is coming straight at the doors behind the people and one to the right of the door. I worry the water will get me but yet I have an inner peace that as long as I am in the building I am fine. The one on the right hits first and I see the water come almost to the top of the windows but does not come in. Once the water goes back, I look out to where the table was and there is my money, I'm hoping it won't be washed away. My husband says,"honey, i'll get it." As soon as it's clear I go out the doors and grab the money just before it floats away.
    That's it...
    I'm thinking the buildings represent churches and that we will be changing churches. I am also thinking it means I leave God's protection for what I think is a good cause to provide sustanance to my 17 year old daughter. Although it is dangerous the Lord protects me while I'm doing it. Also the fact that my daughter is in the one building is odd to me because she currently does not attend church but yet is part of our church. I think the people on the beach represent the lost and that I am watching them and not helping them like I should be or it could just be an example of what is happening to the world around me- like in the days of Noah people are doing what ever not even realizing the signs around them.
    Anyhow, any words of wisdom would be so greatly appreciated. God bless to all who read!
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