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Everything posted by greyfort

  1. Yes, Satan was an archangel. I haven't read it but I keep thinking about the book "There Were 2 Trees in the Garden" - a Messianic Jewish Rabbi I know did several messages using that book. I suspect that it may answer some questions you have.
  2. Actually it doesn't mean that it had to have happened before God created Adam and Eve. One thing people don't realize is that we have no idea how long Adam and Eve lived in the garden before they sinned. It could have been thousands of years. Or a month. We don't know. We don't know if Adam's age in the genealogy starts from the fall or from the day of creation (why would they have been keeping track of how old they were if they were never going to die?) Also to say that Satan was "cast out of Heaven" is a bit of a misnomer - it makes it sound like he can't get into Heaven - he's there now - accusing believers left and right, like he did to Job. But yes, 1/3 of the angels sinned and fell pretty early on. Thankfully though, God chose to allow redemption for mankind.
  3. I saw Sirianta's post about having some pretty dark dreams this weekend. I know that Saturday night, for me, was also full of just dark, dark dreams. Not nightmares (and not spiritual attacks) but just full of death and mayhem. I was curious if this was a trend this weekend or not?
  4. Like the others, I've been there as well. I've learned that its so easy to get offended and want to walk away - especially those of us with a background with abuse - I think we tend to want to "flight" not "fight". I'm a part of the Messianic Jewish movement. I'm not Jewish but its where God has placed me. A Rabbi I knows requires all new members of his congregation to read certain books. Since he felt so strongly about this book I decided to get it and have read through part of it. I would strongly recommend it to you as well. Do you want to stay at this church? Does God want you to stay? I suspect that the answer is yes on both accounts - since you seem so torn up about it. I used to feel like no one liked me - that at the best they tolerated me. Somehow God has taught me that wasn't the case. That there were people who did like me; that admired strengths that I have (when I thought all I had were weaknesses). I pray that this Sunday someone will come to you and say something sweet, and encouraging to you. I agree with the others - that you could start your own home group (perhaps there are other women who are feeling left out as well; but that you don't know it). Also pray for the other women, truly pray for them. They may not realize what they are doing. They may realize completely. But I suspect as you pray for them; God will do a might change in you. Praying for you!
  5. I have a question for a moderator but I am not able to use the PM function yet (which is understandable). What's the best way to reach one? Thanks!
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