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Posts posted by fayers

  1. Please pray for me (Frances Ayers). I will be seeing a new diabetes doctor on tomorrow and I need a good report concerning my labs. Also, pray for my deliverance from taking insulin and type II diabetes and all its side effects. Thanks and God bless!

  2. God bless you! Well, even though I was observing everything I felt like the baby could have possibly been me. I didn't recognize the woman. On last weekend before this dream I did start as an administrative support to a women's outreach and prayer ministry group. This is not like a job or anything where I'm getting paid but it is a wonderful ministry opportunity and it opens another door for me to give administrative support, minister and pray for others. Thank you so much for your response I really appreciate it!

  3. I had a dream last night about this very small baby that you can hold in one hand. The baby looked like it could have been even premature. The baby was so small I didn't think that it would be able to do anything although it looked well and healthy. Then I saw the baby started to crawl which really suprised me. I don't know the sex of the baby but when the baby started crawling it seemed to almost crawl off the bed which I would have not expected for its size, but there was no harm. There was a lady there with me whom I did not know and she was just observing the baby as well. All of a sudden a huge lion came up from out of no where. It seems that I was observing all this because even when this lion showed up I had no fear. This lion was big like Aslan in the Narnia movies. He was so big and quite beautiful I could see the wind blowing through his mane. The lion was after and only interested in the baby and the lady was very protective of the baby. When the lion came to eat the baby the lady got in front of the baby and scraficed herself by putting half of her body in the lions mouth. She volunteered her life for the life of the baby. Even though half the lady body was in the mouth of the lion. The lion did not devour or bite down of the lady because what he really wanted was the baby.
    Can anyone help me with this one?

  4. God bless to ALL! scratching chin I posted a dream about a Nuclear Explosion that I had within the last 2 weeks. I was flipping channels last night and ended up looking at the "I Survived" channel which had interviews of those who survived the NYC 9/11 years ago. It was so overwhelming to me and God had me in such a state of intercession. I felt a GREAT need to intercede not only for NYC (espcially with this being September 2011) but for our nation. Let us continue to watch and pray.

  5. Connie, thank you so very much for your quick response to my dream. I can not thank God enough for you. I am an intercessor and I will be praying throughout the next few days regarding this dream. I had already set aside some quality time this weekend to get before the Lord regarding some things. May God bless and keep you and may He continue to use you for His glory.

    Thanks, Fayers

  6. In this dream I was in a tall modern new elegant building with large windows you could see clearly through on every side. I was located on one of the top floors in this building and looking out the windows I could see from a distance a huge wall of water like a Tsunami heading towards this building. It was coming quickly and there were explosions going off as the water was running through everything in sight. It was a lot of water and it was enormous waves. It was a lot of peole in this building with me. My best friend Louise, her husband, Anthony, and 2 of my 4 children. As I saw the water approaching I began to think of all the time I recently wasted with moving my residence and I felt it was all for naught. I felt all my effort and work was a waste of my time because the end was here. I then began to repent and ask God to forgive me for anything I had done that did not please Him. In the building was a large opening in the middle where you could look all the way down to the bottom floor. I was looking down in it and I could see many families holding on to each other but already dead floating on top of the swelling waters coming towards me. Other families (I remember specifically spanish families) where I was began to wrap there arms around each other to say I love you and this is goodbye. I began to tell my 2 children that I loved them. My best friend, Louise looked at me with a cry of "I love you friend".

    After I awoke from this dream I immediately had another dream or vision of a flipping calendar and it fell on September. I saw it move quickly through July, August and landed on September. I then heard the words "September".

    After I awoke from this dream I remember thinking "September" and then New York 9/11 came to me and I felt something will happen in September 2011. My daughter also had a dream the same night about a tornado. I do need some help with this dream as it concerns me and I've been praying about it.

  7. In my dream "I had plans to go to a christian women's conference in my city. I was meeting other friends who would join me at the conference we were following each other closely in our vehicles. We were like on a hill or high place driving and from a long distance I could see an explosion in the direction we were headed that was great but it didn't seem like it would touch me in the place where I was at the time but all of a sudden I realized that the explosion would touch me and all that was traveling with me. It was a matter of seconds and I realized it was a nuclear explosion that went from the area where I saw the explosion to where I was in a matter of seconds and my first thought was "I am going to be with" and then the only word I could speak out my mouth was "Jesus"! I didn't really have any fear in this dream but more of an expectation or excitement to meet my Savior." I do have plans to meet some friends for a women's conference in a month from now. Thanks for your help with this dream.
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