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Posts posted by terrimh

  1. Dream 1. I was getting bit on my right palm by a mosquito. I slapped my hand and woke up. Literally woke up slapping my hand. A few nights ago.

    Dream 2. Last night I was being dropped in the middle of the ocean along w/ my husband. There were hundreds of little turtles in the water. He went in first and as soon as i landed in the water one of the turtles bit my hand. It was scary. End dream - I woke up.

    I've just started dreaming this month - never really did before. I believe my husband is in a real hot mess w/ some dangerous people. He just said he had an encounter w/ God two nitghts ago. But today I learned he's in some big trouble. Could these be telling me something to come???? Please help, desperate & Scared. I've been praying for him and about these dreams but just not sure.

  2. Alot going on personally - my husband who isn't saved. He's living an awful life and not a good example for our daughter. I'm constantly in prayer for him and trying not to be the 'Holy Spirit" for him. Trying to let God handle things. Giving it to God - just sometimes I question whether it's the right thing to do or not. Since my husbands actions aren't on the up & up. I struggle with making my confessions and not speaking things that are blocking my blessing. I keep asking God to make me useful to Him.

  3. I have never dreamed much recently asked God to reveal to me his secrets through dreams. It never occurred to me this would be so hard to interpret. I’m hoping someone here can help me.
    Me and my friend Tina were trying to get someplace – I’m not sure I actually saw her but seemed like she was there because we were talking to eachother. I think it was a race, we were hurrying/running. We were on a heavily wooded but wide path/trail that was quite lush. Suddenly it seemed like we were going the wrong way so we turned around to go back. It felt like I was panicking because we were now loosing and it’s getting late. My friend is very heavy so I was always ahead of her – this didn’t bother me just something I noticed when thinking about the dream and it’s details.
    As we were going back to figure out where we went down the wrong path there were a few fallen trees overhead that I had to go under. It wasn’t hard they were aspen trees I think (skinny trunks/stems with white bark) I just had to bend down a bit. They fell from each side of the path and they fell onto each other between their branches and trunks so that they made something like an overhead tunnel. Not something uncommon on a trail.
    Right after I went under the trees it was much darker. It didn’t feel good. A few steps ahead of me there was water. I stopped to look at it to consider crossing it. It wasn’t flowing but rather stagnant while seeming like a river because it went lengthwise from left to right and wasn’t real wide just long. The water seemed murky – couldn’t see the bottom. I turned to look to my left because I saw something moving that I thought was a car at first but it was a very large crocodile. HUGE! It was moving out of the water toward the direction I had just come from. I turned around again to go back to tell Tina. I was worried it was after her. I took a few steps and she was laughing & telling me to come to her, she had found a bathroom. I went in and it was well lit up – very bright light. I relieved my bladder (twice) and we were laughing & I woke up. End of Dream. Yes, I went to the bathroom after I woke up. Thank you and God Bless You all for your help!!!
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