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Posts posted by lawfriel

  1. Hi Mia,

    Had a dream last night that I was in my bed. I woke up and there was a big round black spider with fat legs on the covers. I tried to catch the spider in the blanket, but it would not die. It kept peering out and biting me with its claws.

    I came out of the bedroom and saw my husband and I was telling him about the spider, but he did not help me. The spider kept popping in and out and biting me. I also saw a small girl (might have been granddaughter) also getting attacked by a spider, but it was not hurting her as much.



  2. Hi Mia,

    I had a dream my daughter came into my home through a door on the right, which in the dream was north. She walked in front of me and plopped my two year old granddaughter on the couch (west wall). My daughter then walked passed me without looking at me or saying anything to me and walked to a room on the left (south).

    I then looked above my granddaughter and saw a circle of small demonic being (like birds) circling above her. I then said "God am I demonic"? I then turned to my right (north wall) and there was a small beige cross hanging on the wall, just like the one in my bedroom. I thought to myself if I am demonic and I touch that cross I will burn. I then proceeded to take the cross off the wall and I realized I did not burn and I was not demonic. At that point, I tilted my head back opened my mouth and swallowed the cross.



  3. Whenever I started to read the Bible consistently I start to dream again.  The third night after I started reading the Bible again I had the following dream:
                               I was laying on my stomach in bed.  A large black spider climbed onto my back. It's
    head was on top of my head and it's body went from the top of my back to the bottom of
    my lower back. It was as if it attached itself to me.  It then started needing my hair with
    its claws (whatever they are called).  Then I woke up.
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