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Posts posted by gracejunkie

  1. Thank you for the link. I am very secure in his love for me and that's why in the dream I was so shocked by his actions. My dreams are usually very symbolic. Only a few times have my dreams been literal. I am not worried about his faitfulness just trying to determine the symbolism in the dream. He is a believer but has been disconnected from his relationship with the Lord for some time now for various reasons.

    Thank you again for the insight, it rings a few bells in my spirit.

  2. I have had two dreams in the last 3 months that my husband comes to me and tells me he doesnt love me anymore and he is leaving me. In both of the dreams he is very emotionaly detached and does not care that he is hurting me by leaving.

    In the first dream he actually had a girlfriend and that was why he was leaving me. We go to court and I plead my case to the judge that he can't allow him to leave because we have covenant. My husband does not care and was waiting to get his car (from the mechanic) that has his work equipment in it. He is looking in the car but he is missing something and cant leave (his girlfriend was standing next to him by the car). I had been praying so I walked away and was praising God.

    In the second dream he wasnt involved with anyone else as far as I knew but I was suspicious. His things were on a bed in a room. Off to the side of his things on the bed were a few things marked pre-marriage and they were my things (my grandmothers glasses, papers, pictures). I was trying to look through his things on the bed to see if I could find something that would explain why he was leaving me. There were mainly papers that were work related. He was with a bunch of people outside that were his coworkers and I could see them through the window. I couldn't see him but knew he was there. I was trying to stay hidden while I searched through his things. I could tell they didn't like me and were hiding something for him.

    My husband and I love each other and are happily married and I dont know what to make of it.

  3. Rose, thank you for your insight. It was spot on. I've had 6 dreams over the course of the last few weeks and all but the rape dreams were obviously about my daughter. I think because of the personal and graphic nature of the dreams I only briefly considered a tie between her and the others. The enemy was definitly using fear to keep me from hearing or seeing what God intended. I have one friend I share my dreams with when I feel I can and she alluded to a lot of the same things you shared, but because she knows intimate details of my life I really wanted to hear a clear answer. The biggest thing is the confirmation in my spirit and realizing the person in my first dream is in reality the same person at different stages in her life (my daughter). I had a dream the night after the rape dreams about my daughter leaving her husband (he is verbally, emotionaly abusive, not sure if physical yet but I wouldnt be surprised). My awareness in the spirit is raised, which is what I know God wanted. Thank you again for allowing God to speak through you to give me comfort and confirm His direction.

  4. This is my first time to post a dream. I have dreams often and even when I don't have clear understanding I am able to shelf it knowing the Holy Spirit will reveal what I need to know when it's time. I had this dream a week ago and I have prayed over it but because it has upset me so much I am not hearing clearly and I hope you can help me. It is actually 2 dreams the same night.

    Dream 1:
    I was in a bedroom with two girlfriends. We were having a sleepover. There was a serial rapist/murderer on the loose and I was concerned about it. One of the girls dropped something on the floor next to the bed and as she bent over to get it I knew the rapist was under the bed and I tried to stop her but was too late. He grabbed her and killed her. The second girl had been resting on the bed and she stayed still so not to be seen or noticed. I knew he was coming after me next and decided to go along with the rape, not fight him, in hopes he would not kill me. He rapes me in every way imaginable (I actually felt pain in some of this). He is shrouded in black (like a cloud) and he is very dark, I can barly make out is figure or face. I know he is going to kill me so I appeal to him to take me with him and I won't fight back in hopes he will take me and not kill me. He didnt want to at first but begins to change his mind, when the girl from the bed begins to sneak up behind him with a knife to kill him. He knows she is there, turns and grabs the knife and violently stabs her in the gut. As he kills her I am screaming and crying. At that point he decides to kill me. He instructs me to hold my left arm straight out to my side and place my right had on my heart. As I do this, I close my eyes and say "I have had a good life. Thank you Jesus" and he shoots me. I taste blood in my mouth. He leaves. I am dying when I hear police enter the room (they think we are all dead) and I say "help me". They come to me and I know I am going to live. I turn my head to see the second girl (that was stabbed) is barely alive. I can see the whites of her eyes are bloody. I tell her to hang on and I wake up.

    When I woke up I was disturbed because a few weeks ago I'd had a dream about tornados. I didn't want to deal with it because it felt to scary. So I went back to sleep and had the second dream.

    Dream 2:
    I am at a wedding and decide to change clothes so I leave the party and go to a room to change. As I begin to undress (but before my clothes are off) I see outside there are several men standing outside and looking in the bedroom window. I go to let the blinds down so they cant see in and I feel the hand of one of the men on my breast through the window. As I look to see who/what is happening I remember thinking my last dream was a warning (because I knew this mans intention was to rape me).I turn to back out of the room when all of sudden the man from outside the window is in the room with me. I run to the door and unlock it. As I do I somehow "capture" him and take him out to the party to show and tell everyone what happened and what he tried to do but no one would listen to me. I woke up again.

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