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Posts posted by TCS

  1. The conclusion that Satan cannot give us dreams is not supported by the fact that dreams can come from God and our minds. This is like saying that because cars can come from Japan and Detroit they cannot come from anywhere else.

    Secondly,.......edited (LB)...... both teach that Satan/demons can cause dreams. Both are internationally recognized as prophets and paragons of dream interpretation.

    I affirm this site, the valid positions within it, and I recommend it others but the consensus by several top dream interpreters on the topic is that dreams can be effected by demons.

  2. There is strong Biblical evidence that the devil causes dreams from the book of Job.

    In Job 7:14-15 we see that Job is frightened and terrified (NASB, 1995) by dreams and visions. Job attributes these dreams to God along with all of his calamities, Job 6:4. God, however, tells us in the first two chapters of Job that all of Jobs problems (terrors, dreams, visions, sickness, death, loss of property etc.) are a direct result of being in Satan’s “power”, Job2:6.

    To sum up:
    1. Job is having frightening dreams and terrifying visions
    2. God has told us the perpetrator of these disasters is Satan and that Job is in Satan’s “power” chapters 1-2.

    Conclusion: Satan has the ability to cause someone to have a dream or vision

  3. Premise 2: There are no verses in the Bible that say demons can cause dreams therefore demons cannot cause dreams

    There are verses in the Bible that speak about satanically induced dreams (more on that later) what I want to deal with is the fallacy that not being able to find a verse in the Bible allows us to draw a conclusion.

    How many verses are there in the Bible about drug use? The answer is none. There are no direct verses in the Bible that say I cannot use drugs but I cannot jump to a conclusion without evidence in support of a postion.

  4. Let me start by saying that I affirm this site, I use it, and I recommend it to others but I believe some of the reasons for discrediting demons as a source of dreams is in error.

    Premise 1: Demons cannot cause dreams
    This begs the question: How do we know demons cannot cause dreams? Let’s examine what the Bible does say demons can do.
    1. Demons can cause sickness and disease, Luke 9:39
    2. Demons can possess people, Mark 5:9
    3. Demons can heal, cause signs and wonders, and make statues speak, Rev. 13:3, 13-15
    4. Demons can send thoughts, words, and negative thinking patterns into a person’s mind, Eph. 6:16
    Demons can do all of these things. Why can they not cause someone to have a dream? What’s harder to do cause disease or implant a thought?

  5. I had a dream 6 years ago about a woman with nicely done brunette hair. She and I were both wearing military fatigues, got into a red car and drove off together. I have been looking for this girl ever since! I knew that we would both be in ministry because of the fatigues and red car. So, it is possible that God showed you the face of the person you will marry just to give you direction

  6. I was Batman fighting bad guys in this huge several story industrial building. My family and co-workers were there. I was beating them easy until I entered a room with many large muscular tough guys and they all started fighting me. I had to take off the suit because in every room I went to it drew attention to me. I eventually started running and hiding trying to find my son. I found him, jumped a fence and fled but the bad guys had gotten to my ex-girlfriend.

    I could use some insight and prayer!

  7. Thanks for posting this, I needed it! happy dance

    I've been consoled that I'm not alone in having those weird, random, ex-relationship dreams. Relationships seem to have an unwanted stickiness factor to them even years after the fact. I used to feel so guilty after dreaming about my ex. Now I just chalk it up to being a normal biological process involving the need to consolidate old memories. In essence, the most emotive of experiences stay with us for years

    This is just my opinion
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