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Posts posted by CarolineG7

  1. My husband and I own a property enhancement company that is quickly becoming very successful. We're quickly on our way out of debt, the doors are starting to open, I'm so happy and thankful. However, I feel God truly calling me into full time ministry, specifically to aid in providing clean drinking water to third world countries and leading worship. Only thing is, I don't have any opportunities where I'm feeling called. I co lead worship a few times a month at church but I'm feeling like singing is supposed to be my focus in my ministry, full time. in the mean time business is booming, I spend my days doing general contracting and closing deals. Does anyone have a word or insight ? I hope so.

  2. I recently haxd a dream about a brick wall that was crying. Water seemed to be pouring out of theconcrete grout and seemed to be sweating out of the bricks. There was definitely a sad emotion associated with it. I understood it was tears, not just water. The dream was bizarely simple, only a brick wall crying. I can't seem to get it out of my head. There is so much going on in my life right now, I am not even sure how to interpret it. Let me know if you receive an interpretation. Thank you loves!

  3. Hi. I was wondering if anyone has a word for me regarding finances. My immediate family is in the midst of financial crisis, and now that I think about it, my husbands family and my family are both struggling too. Perhaps there is some kind of stronghold going on? My husband and I give our first fruits, tithe diligently, and we are very cheerful givers. In fact, one of the worst parts of having lack is not being able to give like we love to. I'm starting to feel pretty desperate... but doing my best to wait patiently and obediently. Does anyone have a word for me?

  4. Ok... please only regard what bares witness to your spirit. I am not an interpreter, but this is what I felt while I was reading it.

    All three of the men in your dream actually represent Kyle. I felt like the primary message was that although you really like him, you actually still do not know each other very well. You like what you do know, but there are sides of him you haven't seen, and things you still don't know, both good and bad. And there are things he still doesn't know about you. Keep taking it slow... if he is to be your husband the Lord will communicate it to you, very clearly. (I know you didn't say anything about that... just thought I'd throw that in there what ).

  5. Ok... last one for the day. I recently had a dream that a woman on staff at my church worked at a bakery. We are friends, but in the dream we did not know each other. She helped me pick out a very fancy beautiful cake for my husband. It was very ornate with gray icing and pearls and fancy calligraphy. Then she gave me two very large elaborate cookies for each of my children (2). Originally I thought nothing of it, but for some reason I think of it everyday and wonder what it means... so I thought I'd post it here. Any thoughts?

  6. I recently had a quick but vivid daydream that I walked into my house and there were butterflies all over my walls. Today I accidentally left the door open for a while, and behold there were several colorful butterflies in my house. I went outside and there are beautiful butterflies everywhere! This is highly unusual, my yard has no flowers, it's pretty plain. and in the past when the door has been left open just moths mosquito hawks and other ugly things come in. I feel the Holy Spirit on this. Does this mean anything to anyone?

  7. I had a dream that I went out to my car to get something and all the sudden my neighbors all popped out of the doors yelling, "Happy New Year!" They were letting balloons go and blowing horns and saying "Happy 2013!" One of my neighbors dogs, a beautiul red retriever, was so excited she ran out the front door and licked me. I thought all this was very peculiar, because it was the middle of the day and the middle of the year. I thought to myself, wow I guess I didn't realize it was already this time of year. Interesting...

    I'd love to hear your interpretations if you receive one! Thanks.

  8. Hi. I feel like the Lord has been opening many new doors in my life. I have received a great deal of revelation recently, and many prophectic words for myself and others. My life feels like a blank slate right now. I am very busy but so ready and willing to drop what I'm doing for Him. I feel like I'm on the horizon of change. I feel a huge calling on my life, and presently I am in such need of direction. Hoping and praying someone here has a word for me. Thank you.
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