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Posts posted by CamArrow

  1. A few things have happened since my last post. I had a feeling on the third Monday of September I should go to the park. My dad asked me to help him do some stuff at an old man's house. While I was helping him, Dream Girl texted me and said she was there at that very park. I asked her to wait, I would be there in an hour. She said no, she was leaving. She had prayed and asked God to have me show up while she was there if we were meant to be, and I hadn't. As far as she was concerned, that was that. I went to the park anyway, hoping she would change her mind. I stayed in the park all night, until 10AM. She told me I was being ridiculous and to go home, she wasn't going to come meet me. I was so angry and frustrated, I told her not to contact me again until she was ready to meet me face to face.
    In October, I started emailing her again. She did not respond. My birthday passed, and I was so upset and hurt she didn't contact me. I was crying and yelling at God I'm my car in a Kentucky Kroger parking lot. I texted Dream Girl and told her I wished we'd never met and I'd never dreamed of her.
    To Be Continued....

  2. For anyone who might be watching this topic or find it, I wanted to provide an update. Things are getting friendlier between the girl of my dreams and I. We are praying and fasting together about some issues (not this one), and we see each other at church. We email or text daily, but she still insists I am wrong and she is not the one God has for me. We shall see!

  3. Hi! Yes, I actually was speaking with a pastor at Starbucks on Thursday when she sent me that email. His advice to me was to just give it over to God, concentrate on doing all the things God tells everyone to do, and if it is God's will for us to marry, He will tell her that and she'll come back around.

    He told me an interesting story, though.
    This pastor's wife is from Venezuela, and a woman at his wife's church told her God had revealed she would marry an American and be in the ministry. The future American pastor's wife told the prophetess she was crazy. She had a Venezuelan boyfriend, and no intention of ever going to America, didn't like Americans, and would never be in the ministry. God works in mysterious ways.

  4. I certainly would never want to force her, or anyone else for that matter, to do anything they do not choose to do. I want it to be her choice, or never happen at all.

    If Satan is allowed to answer our prayers, then how do we know any answer is ever from God? I just cannot believe that is true. God loves me, and He would not allow Satan to answer a prayer from my heart addressed to Him in the name of Jesus.

    If anything, I believe she is the one being deceived, because she is fearful of me and has had dreams in which I kidnapped her or members of her family. I would never do any such thing. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love.

  5. Thank you for your prayers, I know my dreams are true, because God cannot lie, and He has promised me we will be married. I don't know when or for how long, but God will do this.

    I respectfully disagree with your assertion God does not override a person's will to fulfill His purposes.
    God hardened Pharaoh's heart so he would not let the Hebrews go.
    Proverbs 21:1 says the heart of the king is in God's hands and he turns it wherever He wishes.
    1 Samuel 10:9 God changed Saul's heart in order to fulfill Samuel's prophecy.
    Jesus says in John 6:44 no one can come to Him unless the Father draws that person to Christ. He reiterates this in verse 65.

    To believe your point of view, all prophecies could not be specifically fulfilled, since the will of a man or woman would have the power to stop God's plan. Paul makes it clear in Romans 9:16-21 the will of man cannot resist God.

    Can we refuse to be born or refuse to die?
    I think the story of Jonah is a clear case of God overriding someone's will. Jonah definitely did not want to go and do what God commanded him to do.

  6. Yes, that quote was her emailed response yesterday. Yes, I did tell her about my dreams and my experiences.

    I'm not upset at all, I feel very at peace about all of this. I'm just praying God's will be done in her life and in my life, but I have no doubt I truly love her and God is definitely in it, even if she never marries me.

  7. For anyone following this topic, I wanted to let you know a few more things. I had a dream She and I were on vacation in a black Honda years before she bought one. I also dreamed we had a son named Aiden before I discovered that is her favorite boy name. She emailed me yesterday and said:
    " Unfortunately Cam, as you stated already, these things don't mean anything to me. I do not believe God gives people signs on a daily or even weekly basis. You can't have faith if you're constantly begging God for signs to prove things to you. We don't deserve for him to prove things to us. Pastor Steve actually talked about that just a few Sundays ago, about how only weak Christians ask for signs all the time. The devil will easily give you false signs though. And to me, that's what is going on here. I'm sorry, but I believe that with my whole heart. Now please, before you drive yourself to any further level of crazy, stop. Stop all of this sign searching, you're wasting your time and energy. Go out and live your life happily. "

    I cannot and do not believe God would allow Satan to give me false hope when I have prayed fervently and honestly for God's peaceful assurance on this matter. The odds of me confessing all this to my best friend and then the same day being behind a car with her initials+wife on the license plate, which is the same color, make, and model as the car I drove when I met her have to be so, so minuscule. The car was also from a different county and it is the only time I have seen it.

    If anything else occurs regarding her, I will update. Until then, I am praying and waiting.

  8. I have an instant update. I told my Mom this whole saga today, and she just sent me a link to to a video of Mercy Me's song "Hurt and the Healer". I emailed a link to that song to my dream girl just last week, and No One knew that! Praise God, this is amazing.

    Thank you for replying, I will definitely read your story, Laura.


  9. I am brand new to this forum, but I feel led by the Spirit to post my dreams and experience here in the hope it will speak to someone and help their faith develop or encourage their weary heart in some way. Also, if you feel strongly after reading my post I have erred or misunderstood God's message to me, please write to me and share your thoughts.

    As a teenager, I had a dream a dark haired girl with a dark red jersey on handed me a towel as I was getting out of a swimming pool, but I was watching this happen from a distance; I saw her and myself. She was short, and her jersey had 22 on the back.

    I also had a dream my wife's middle initial would be M.

    After graduating high school, I earnestly sought the Lord and His will for my life. I felt very lost and unsure about my direction and goals. Just after Christmas of 1993 (don't know the exact days) I prayed and fasted for 3 days in my room God would show me who my wife should be. I drank only water. I had a dream which has changed my life and stayed with me ever since.

    I dreamed I was on a beach next to a large body of water. The sun was rising in the distance, bright and positive. Out of the water, a woman was lifted out on a shell or a rock or a flower, or some kind of curved seat, much like that famous Venus painting. She appeared to be naked from the waist up, and her hands were covering her breasts. She had long, brunette hair which changed colors and eyes that danced with light and seemed to change, too. As she was lifted and brought toward me, my eyes were fixated on a mole or mark of some kind on her left ribs. I felt strongly this would be important. Her lips became my focus, and just as we kissed, it all faded to black, and a golden, glittering 10 like fireworks was all I could see, then it faded quickly. A voice said, "10 years" and I woke up teary eyed, upset. I didn't want to wait that long!

    I thought my first wife might be the fulfillment of these dreams, even though I met her only 3 years later and my spirit told me to keep it just friends between us. Our marriage was very rocky, and we divorced 9 years after the dream. I became obsessed with trying to find "the One" and I could feel something big was on the horizon. I was heavily involved with church at this time in music ministry, and I was living with a lady (as a boarder) who worked at the church. The lady I lived with took me to lunch at a Mexican restaurant called Mi Pueblo in Southaven, MS. She seemed somewhat upset, and told me she had been given a dream to warn me not to be involved with a blonde teenage girl in a Pontiac sunfire, that if I became involved with her God would give us a baby, but God would no longer use me in ministry. She was very insistent and upset, pleading with me to give up this girl. I had no idea what she was talking about. A month later, that girl from her dream left me her number and we started seeing each other secretly, relying heavily on lies, immorality, arguing, and alcohol to fuel our relationship. I hoped somehow we would love each other and it would all work out.

    On June 1, 2004, I waited on a mom, her 13 year old daughter, and the woman's nephew (I'm a career waiter). The moment I looked into that girl's eyes, it felt like someone reached right through me, I was just floored. My feelings scared me, because I was 29 at the time and she was obviously underage. A cook named Rock made a rose out of tomato with lemons and limes as the leaves and told me to go give it to her. He said, "You never know you and her might marry someday." This was the only time Rock ever did that to my knowledge. She had red streaks in her hair that had just been put in that day. This girl started leaving me notes and drawings. I vividly remember one night she turned around in the backseat of their car to see me as they left. Right after meeting the 13 year old brunette with red in her hair who I liked so much it scared me, I impregnated the blonde. I now have a 7 year old son I almost never talk to or see and for whom I pay an exhorbitant amount of child support. I was driving a gold Nissan maxima in 2004.

    I did not know it at the time, but the girl's name means rock, and her nickname was rainbow. I tried and tried to forget her, but I couldn't. She found me online, and started staying in touch through IMs and emails. I made a big mistake and shared a sexual dream with her in PG detail once. Her mom wisely forbid contact and didnt come to my restaurant anymore. The girl's brother confronted and warned me face to face. Shortly after this, i told her about my prophetic dream and she said she does have a mole on her left ribs, but i have never seen it. Eventually this led to texting. Her family told her to stay away from me, and to this day we have never physically been alone. We have always talked in sporadic bursts, like for a few days then silence for months sometimes. I have written her poems, songs, emails, given her gifts. I have told her many times i love her and believe she is destined to be my wife. We have randomly seen each other at the movie theater, walmart, church, and the same mexican restaurant in which i was warned.
    We have had some odd coincidences. One day she texted me at the exact same time her current boyfriend was helping me at BestBuy. He didn't know who I was, and she didn't know where I was. On another day, we were in the same park when she texted me. She left immediately. There was also a day she texted me and we were in the same Target. Again, she left immediately. She has responded negatively to every gift, poem, song, declaration of love I have given her. I promised her I would no longer attend the church she attends so she will feel more at ease, even though I felt God led me to it before I knew it was her church. The way I found out she went to services there is her mother parked directly in front of me on a Sunday morning as I was sitting in my car. She did not see me or know my car. This is a church with hundreds of members, if not thousands.

    I have asked for signs to confirm God's promise we will marry. The signs I asked for were given to me. A few days ago, I revealed all this to my best friend who has known me 24 years. He was very skeptical, and said God doesn't work that way. He flippantly prayed with me and asked God to have him open the bible to a page with the word "truth" on it if this was true. He did. The very same day, as I was driving to work, a gold Nissan maxima was in front of me on the interstate with her initials In order next to the word wife!! For example, JFKWIFE. I haven't told her about the license plate, her mother tells her I'm dangerous, even though I'm not violent and would never harm anyone.

    I have been so torn and conflicted over her through the years. I have questioned and prayed about her thousands of times. I pray daily for her and her family. She is now 21, I am 37. She lives with her atheist boyfriend, drinks frequently but does listen to KLove and attends church. She says she does not love me, that she is afraid of me because of all the things I have told her, yet she remembers my birthday, tells me she cares about me and worries for me. She refuses to see me or talk to me on the phone. She told me not to come in her work after I brought her Christmas presents at work in 2010.

    After spending decades chasing women, I prayed to the Lord and dedicated myself to believing He will fulfill His promise to marry us someday. I feel a great inner peace about this, and within the past week several women have approached me, which I interpret as temptation.

    Please pray God will either bring us together or show me what I believe is not His will. I am open to any questions or comments, may God richly bless you.
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