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Posts posted by dordor

  1. sorry to interrupt ,i had a dream some year ago where the police came to arrrest a man of God that i knew of .it happened at after 3 months of having the dream ,his evil deed were found out and he had to leave the church.just a thought maybe God arrest people who are wrong ,just a thought.This guy was a liar ,cheat and so on,his lifestyle was a disgrace to christains.

  2. in the dream it was like i was at work and i saw number 312 and i was looking for a newspaper with number 12 i could not see it but i saw number 15,16 and so on.it is in reality not possible i mean the number 312 because i work at 2station not 3station.please can anyone help me with these number and it`s meaning

  3. i have been waiting on the lord for somethings that are happening in my life at the moment.i was worshipping with hillsong music.i started to sing and worship God at the end of the worship .i saw a young lady i did not see her face just her back running to meet Jesus and he wrapped his arms around her.can someone help me out ,does this have to do with me or is it someone else?. :n happy dance

  4. please can someone help me interprete this.i was praying for someone and i saw soldiers like the Roman soldiers with helmet and breastplates surround this person with their spear that he was in the middle like their prisoner.

  5. oh yeah thank you so much,i would never ever take things in my hands God forbid!!! and i will keep seeking the lord as it is not funny at all for after moving on from him and suddenly this feelings again.please put me in your prayers.i can live with or without this guy and i just need to be in the will of God.thanks in a million ,i just needed someone who could understand me from where i am coming from.thanks once again

  6. yes and no,where do i start?.i have been single since 4 yrs ,initially did not want to get married again,till God made it known to me that it is his will that i marry again.i had this guy in my church ,he is an elder at my church ,he was always looking at me at church but i always thought maybe he was looking at someone beside me so i never took it as anything and when i catch him looking at me he removes his, until one day he wrote me an sms about a programm at church.(i am a nurse by profession sometimes i don`t come to church all the time bcos of the nature of my work.so i told him i had a late shift that i will not be able to make it at the programme ,he then told that whenever i am free i should let him know.i ran away because i was so shy and kind of avoided him from then on because it not occur to me that he fancied me d and i wanted to be careful and be a bit more careful before i leap into a relationship and i felt he was also doing the same.we continued that way not proceeding more than that,till one day he called me and i was not available andhe dropped a message told he was travelling for an evangelism at a far country i wished him well.but on coming back he was assigned to pastor a church .i remember i called after he came back from his journey.i did not see him again for 2 months bcos when he will be at church i will working.so the last time i saw him he was still staring at me as always from a corner at the church ,when talking to people .the next sunday he announced that he was engaged to be married to someone who does not attend our church but a sister church.i felt a little bit dissappointed( bcos prior to this in prayer as i was praying God to concerning us what do i do ?,is it his will and so on.God told me that some people will not be happy with our relationship even though we are the body of christ bcos of our race.i am black and he is white.like always i kept on praying ,i love God so much ,i was always pursuing and seeking his face to draw more and more to him as he is all that i have).on hearing this i just turned to God pour my heart to God and then decide to forget about him.after sometime i had a visit from my pastor and my pastor took him along ,we talked a lot of deep things it was a wonderful time ,together ,i had no feelings anymore for him as i released in prayer and blessed him and his future marriage .but we had such lovely time together only for me to wake up the next day suddenly having feelings(-because i had always admired him before he approached me bcos of his love for God and within the first sms and the last i was head over heels in love with him but did not show it). for him.you see this is dangerous and i was crying to God and asking him why do i suddenly have feeling for him ,if this feeling is from God or from me ,so as i had this dream i wanted to get a meaning before i make a fool of myself.You know how stupid it will be if he introduces his fiance to the church and i will be there with a sad face or even crying.that is why i need help with this dream.

  7. please i had a dream last night ,i was sitting at large table with others eating.and the there was a guy at this table who was looking at me,he was attracted to me and so was i to him .but in my mind it was like is it" lust" or what? so something happened and it was over we did not date or proceed more than that,so i got over him but he was still at the table with us,i was just preoccupied with something else in my mind ,did not seem to notice or have interest in him.as i was eating at the Table he was talking to his father who was a man of God and was telling the Father that it is me he wants,the Father is a very huge Man with a smiling face that seemed to have something like Joy,laughter or something close tothat bubling in his heart.so he came to me pointed at me and asked him if it is me or someother women who were also at the Table-the women were Blacks like me but i did not see their faces.and he replied to the father ,"no it is her that i want".and one of his friends replied that it is me that he wants -the one with the beautiful brown colour,i was shocked and surprised as all eyes were on me i was schocked and felt like hidding under the table.and in real life my friends ,colleagues and family always compliment my colour and say that it is beautiful!
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