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Posts posted by Fishoil1

  1. I dreamed that I was in front of my friends church which I had enerv visted but was thinking about visiting. He was exiting the church. There was a slight slope and hand rail as he exited the church. There was a narrow walkway. The floor was beige/grey concrete. It was morning time and light outside. I could see him exitiing and I wanted to go inside the church to visit but I figured I was late since everyone was already leaving. I watched him leave while I was sitting in the back seat of my own car. I had a brand new pair of bronze/beige shoes in my hand and I was just holding them but I remember feeling very uncomfortable to flag my friend down and go inside the church since he was a guy that I didnt know well. Then I looked back down at him and saw him open the door to his car for a woman to enter the car on the paseenger side. The woman was older that him and modestly dressed. He was wearing a yelloish brown pair of boots that were EXREMELY worn out. They were so worn and old that they had to be held up by his shoe laces just ot stick to be able to walk in them. Then he walked around the car adn go in the drivers seat made a uturn and drove away. As he was driving away i had already crossed the street and turned around as I saw him drive away. I was walking up a steep driveway made of black asphalt and the driveway curved into the entrance and was wide for cars to drive through. It was getting a little dark outside. I was now wearing a very expensive pair of shoes and with a high high heel. (Shoes I actually owned at the time of the dream) I was having trouble walking up the drivewayand a woman that was a memeber of the church grabbed my hand to help me up there. When I arrived in side I made a turn to the left and saw an open area where people were lazyily sitting at desks chairs..the kind we are used in high school. and I saw lockers on the wall. As I walked dowm a hallway I said out loud "theres no church going on here its a bad spirit i feel. The church I was inside of was my current church as well as my former church combined into one.

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