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Posts posted by chosenbygod77

  1. I have taken HEED to the VOICE of the LORD!!! I am still growing in my prophetic walk with the GOD and have learned a valuable lesson in ALL of this! Every vision/revelation is NOT from GOD! After I received my dream intrepretation from the AMI team, it fully confirmed what I felt deep down in my heart after I heard the news that he was engaged. In the flesh, I was in denial, but in the spirit, I knew the TRUTH! Who the SON SETS FREE is FREE INDEED!!! :hooray:

    To totally bring closure to this situation and officially close this chapter of my life, I emailed him this morning and congratulated him and his fiance on their upcoming union. I am at total PEACE, my heart no longer feels heavy, I have a mind to continue to SERVE GOD, I will not bow down to the enemy, and continue to RUN ON and see what the end will be!!! I have also been studying dreams/visions and realize that many individuals in our dreams are symbolic! I'm thanking God for repeatedly confirming his word!

    Godsgrl33, yes...prior to me joining this site, I read Mrs. D's messages which truly inspired me. I am so honored to have her post her experience on this thread!!! God is truly an awesome GOD! Thank you JESUS!!! I appreciate your words of encouragement and inspiration!

    Mrs. Daphanie, THANK YOU so much for posting your experience! You have touched my heart in more ways than you will ever know! I thank God for allowing me to connect with you all! I am content and heading in the right direction! I am no longer concerned with what will come to pass down the road. From this day forth, I will totally live my life under GOD's direction and remain FOCUSED because I have a work for his kingdom! This minor "setback" has equipped me for a MAJOR COMEBACK!!! I will allow GOD to LEAD and I will FOLLOW!!! I have gained a lot of WISDOM from this TRIAL and will apply it to my life! My goal is to remain "hidden" in the Lord & his word! I won't have any "doubts" in my mind when God allows my future spouse and I to come face-to-face in "HIS TIMING"!

    king Rex, you never know how much of an impact your words can have on someone else's life! I felt like my story was long, but knew there were several posts here about this same situation. We are helpers one to another!

  2. Prior to me posting to this forum, I submitted a "dream interpretation" request to one of the prophetic ministries that I'm affiliated with. I have posted a copy of their response below. I have faith that this will help others who are in the same situation that I'm in! I copied and pasted my request and their response:

    Message: In May of 2009, God show me blurry vision of my future husband, but I could not see his face. He gave me characteristics of him and I became content with my singleness. On December 4, 2010, God revealed to me who he was and all of the characteristics that I was given a year and a half previously were on target. I was in denial about this because this man and I were really close friends and I never imagined being in a relationship with him. I saw a complete vision of our entire wedding day & life together working in ministry. I told God, "If he is indeed the man that you have for me, have him call me today". A few hours later, he called! God gave me specific instructions which included: I had to watch him date other women, had to pray for him daily, encourage him on a regular basis and win his soul for Christ. I could never reveal the "truth" to him because this would ABORT the plans that he had for us and destroy everything. Once he was where he needed to be in Christ, he would take the blind fold off and show him that I was his wife. In February of 2011, he told me he had met someone and was in a serious relationship. I have watched him date the same woman for almost two years, but continued to be there for him as a friend and follow the instructions that God gave me. Last night, he called me and told me he and his girlfriend got engaged the night before. My heart dropped, but I put on a smile and instantly congratulated him and told him I was happy for him. When I got off the phone with him, I was totally confused and started wondering if I got my signals wrong with God. I know I didn't make up this fairytale in my mind because this was the last guy that I would have ever wanted to date. I have never looked at him as nothing more than a friend. I realized that some people are used as symbols in dreams, but this was a complete vision while I was awake and alert on every occasion.

    Their RESPONSE: I believe that perhaps your very first vision may have been from the Lord, but somehow you seemed to have opened the door for the enemy to come in with a deception.

    One sign of a deception is a “pushiness” to do something. The Lord is your shepherd who goes ahead of you and he leads you in the way that you should go. He doesn’t stand behind you, whipping you and forcing you into something. The Lord Jesus ‘woos’ you with his tenderness and love. He will never force His will on you. You will always have a choice of who you decide to fall in love with. God will bring you a prospective husband, but in the end it is your choice, as long as that choice is reciprocated on the man’s part. God is also not the author of confusion, that is the enemy.

    This gentleman was not even saved from my understanding. If this is so, then these visions are also contrary to the Word of God, because the word plainly says in 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

    The Word says that Jesus came to give you life and life abundantly. It is Satan who comes to steal, to kill, and destroy. You can take a look back over your life in these past three years and I will guarantee you that Satan has stolen much from you throughout this whole event.

    If you desire to get past this man and move on and find the real man that God has for you, then you only need to apply James 4:7 Submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. You will also need to let go of all of these ‘visions’ and ‘words from the Lord’ and reject them, because they are all a deception. They are all a lie.

    Felicia, the Lord truly loves you. He is waiting with his arms open wide, for you to run to him. He is waiting for you to come and ask for forgiveness and He will cleanse you whiter than snow. He is waiting to restore you. He didn’t bring the confusion, He didn’t bring the pain… that was from the enemy. He has said in his word that He will restore what the canter worm, the plantar worm and the locust have eaten up and destroyed. Also, what the enemy has stolen from you, he must return it to you sevenfold!

    So simply apply James 4:7 and shut that door on the enemy once and for all and then rise up in your authority given to you in Christ Jesus, and tell that devil to get lost. You have been given all authority to trample on scorpions and serpents and over all the power of the enemy, and they shall by no means harm you.

  3. I really appreciate your words of wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration! thank you You have truly uplifted my spirits more than you will ever know and I thank GOD for allowing me to connect with you through this site! It's always great hearing the testimonies of others who are in similiar situations. You are absolutely right..."And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose", Romans 8:28. God has proven to me countless times that his timing is not my timing. I will continue to be PATIENT and WAIT on his plans for my life to manifest in it's entirety. I know that it is NOT OVER until he says it's OVER! More than anything, I want to stay in the will of God. I know this situation has had me "occupied" sitting on pause for over three years now and I plan to "move" on pass it and allow God to handle it his way! It's time for me to "enjoy" life! God has proven to me that he is in complete CONTROL of the outcome and I am at peace with it! Thanks again for everything!

  4. Godsgrl33,
    I appreciate your shedding some light on this situation and happy to know that someone else is experiencing the same thing. When I stated that God gave me an assignment to "win his soul" I meant that God was using me as a vessel to witness to him. He was still single and not involved with anyone when I was initially given this task by God. I consider him as one of my best friends and he has never been a love interest of mine. I was in denial when I received the revelation that he was the "one". Time will definitely tell if he is the one or if the enemy was playing a twisted game. I plan to take a step back from this situation and allow God to be God because my work in it is already done! God knows my heart and I don't want anything in the way of me receiving what he truly has for me. It's so easy to get distracted when we're close to our breakthrough! This article is hilarious, yet SO TRUE!!! I definitely do NOT want to display the traits of any of these ladies and it makes me look at my situation from a different angle! Blessings to you!

  5. Good Morning Everyone!
    I pray that you all had a great Thanksgiving! My name is Felicia and I am from Mississippi. I am not totally new to this site, but registered earlier this week and have enjoyed reading all of your posts and insights! I have a 15 year old daughter, have been divorced for 12 years, a book author, own a cake business, and also work part-time at Sephora. I go to a Apostolic Pentecostal Church and live a busy lifestyle! I am looking forward to growing more prophetically as I continue to be the vessel that God called me to be!

    Blessings to each of you!

  6. In May of 2009, I received my first vision of him. God revealed to me who my future spouse would be on December 4, 2010. I am in a battle of confusion right now because the man who God showed me I would marry is now engaged to another woman!

    In the May of 2009, I saw a vision of him standing in front of me in my living room! The vision was not completely clear, but he was handsome, enjoyed golf, wore glasses occasionally, had nice caramel skin, tall, fresh cut, nicely groomed and was perfect for me. God also revealed to me that he was NOT living in my town. He was connected to my cousin in some way. I saw him sitting in his barber chair getting a haircut! I had been divorced for almost 9 years and had almost given up on ever being happily married again. After this revelation, I was completely content with being single because I had faith that God would fulfill the promise that he had before me and I could not jeopardize this! I started envisioning my future wedding with my wonderful husband.

    The enemy knew my weaknesses and continued to throw monkey wrenches in my path for me to lose focus. Old boyfriends contacted me, dropped by to visit and I even met a few guys...but in the back of my mind, I knew they were not for me! I almost fell deep into my past, but God consistently reminded me, I have you covered daughter, but you must TRUST, have FAITH and BELIEVE in me!

    After I completely released my past, GOD begin to reveal more. On December 4, 2010 at 4:44a, a year and a half later, God revealed to me who my husband was and I was completely in shock and denial! I battled with this revelation because we were living on two different sides of the tracks and I have always said my husband needed to be equipped and ready to work in ministry with me. as I continued to mix batter for my cakes. As I stood there, God started feeding my spirit with details for the assignment that he was equipping me for. God gave me strict guidelines and instructions concerning this assignment. If I revealed anything to him, I would totally abort the plan that God had for us. I had to watch him date other women, pray for him daily, keep him encouraged on a regular basis, WIN his SOUL for Christ, and NEVER reveal anything to him. Once he becomes a new creature, God will take the blinders off and reveal to him that I am his wife. I saw a complete vision of our wedding ceremony and reception. He was my BEST FRIEND and SOUL MATE! I had to have proof that he was the one. I told God, if he is for me, have him call me today. A few hours passed by and I continued to bake and decorate cakes. At approximately 11:30a, my phone started ringing and my daughter answered it and brought it to me. I stood there in shock with my heart racing looking at my phone, my daughter, and God. I remembered what I asked for earlier, answered the phone, and afterwards started thinking about the assignment that God gave me. This man's life was now in my hands because I was responsible for winning his soul for Christ!

    The trials and TESTS began to come! In February of 2011, he told me he had a girlfriend and they were serious. Of course I accepted it, and thought about what God had given me a few months prior. I had to watch him date other women without getting upset. I continued to stay focused on the assignment that God had given me and proceeded. When the situation became discouraging, I began to pray for God to give me direction on my "approach" because I felt like nothing I was saying had an impact on him. I sent him letters and cards of encouragement, but from the natural eye, I couldn't see an effect or change. It became totally frustrating but I had to continue to focus and complete the assignment that God given me. Every conversation I have with him, he mentions something about her, and I listen, smile, and remain supportive.

    My situation took a turn for the worse! This past Saturday, November 17th, the man who God revealed that I would marry called me at 5:20p and told me he got engaged the night before. He gave me ALL of the details of his proposal! I was in shock, disappointed, hurt, and confused, but congratulated him and began to question if God had really revealed this vision to me years ago or if the enemy was playing games with my mind. I knew God told me I would have to watch him date other women, but marry? In no way would I have thought of any of this on my own because this guy was the last person that I envisioned being married too! I felt like he was trying to convince me that he made the right decision. I know without a doubt that God has a calling on his life and a work for him to do. The enemy has him sidetracked and blinded with this woman. She has driven him away from God! His voice was trembling when he told me he was engaged and he also mentioned to me that he felt better now because this was a decision that he had been battling with for a while. I feel like she pressured and convinced him to marry her. He told me over a year ago after 6 months of dating she wanted him to marry her!

    At this point, all I can do is continue to seek GOD! In no way do I want to put my life on hold if this is not meant to be. I have released everything from my PAST in an effort to walk a straight and narrow path with God. I stopped dating guys after God gave me this vision almost 4 years ago. I feel deep down in my heart that this is a trick of the enemy, but at the same time the two of them have dated consistently for almost 2 years! My feelings are hurt, torn, shaken and don't know what to think about all of this!!!
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