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Posts posted by argreene

  1. I cannot at this time think of anyone but my brother that needs to leave the situation he is in. It is not a good environment for him. That is it at the moment. And no, if the cat represents him, the people he is around are not a danger to him at all, just not a healthy place for him to grow in God. Thank you Mark.

  2. I had a dream that I opened a door (seems like a small bedroom). When I looke down, there was a huge snake coiled on seemingly a bed of hay. There were small baby snakes (clear in color), as if just hatched. There seemed to be one small snake that was a little older than the rest and this one slithered away from me toward the opposite wall of the room. I closed the door for a moment. Someone came up behind me. I opened the door for them to see the snakes. This time there was a little gray cat that was also just laying quietly in the corner. I said to this person, oh my goodness, we have to get this cat out of here (I did not want the cat to be bitten or attacked.) But these snakes were seemingly just motionless, not hissing, not anything, just laying there. Need interpretation. Thank you.
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