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Posts posted by hopefullynotlost4evr

  1. awesomegod16 wrote:
    Okay then, I understand what is going on. There is a lot of abuse in my background, but I won't go into it but God keeps bringing things and people to my mind but some I have just a small memory of.

    Blossom, i'm not sure what the problem is but from what i have read about what Dove said, i would take her advice if i were you.

    From what i have experienced, they can even affect your dreams and turn them into terrormares and so please get help however you can but pray first and ask God to help you discern if it's the right person/ministry to be involved with.

    I think one thing holds a lot of weight either way, FORGIVENESS to people who have hurt us, knowingly or not.

    In my early yrs i cried out to God constantly for forgiveness and i was encouraged to do so which was great BUT there wasn't a lot of teaching on working on how to forgive others when they deeply wounded us. It's not easy by any means but worth it!!!

  2. Hi, i think someone could actually do a case study on me about what your discussing. I have pretty much all that you talked about from early childhood trauma from birth onwards (blue baby with a blood filter trauma experience) not to mention childhood bullying to extreme pysc. damage. and it gets worse from there believe it or not.

    After being in a church mostly focusing on spiritual gifts for years, not the word of God. I eventually backslid and made the HUGE mistake of messing with tarot cards. From what i read about familiar spirits in a post here earlier about a christian team *ghost hunting* erm WOW! all i wanted to do was scream "STAY AWAY FROM THINGS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND" and focus on the first 2 commandments and live them out to please the Lord forvever.
    That being said, If one goes messing with things like demonic spirits by accident or otherwise that aren't fully prepared and steeped in the word of God and are FOR SURE called to that ministry you can be set up for things that can end up messing with you... that there are no words for except in the end that can only be described as TORMENT! <----- even that word can lose meaning in it.

    I've seen a couple of posts as well saying something like don't give too much credit to the devil BUT i'd add to that, DO NOT take him for a fool. Jesus did not describe him as the mighty prince of the air for something to do. *Fear the devil* NO! Beware of him! YES!!! <----- !!!! Scripture plainly says that!

    This really applies the most to new christians who are not up to par yet with ALL the word of God before delving into the spiritual realm, again by accident or otherwise. In my case i may have even lost my salvation and i cannot stress the confusion that the enemy is capable of, he has power and a lot of it in this world so be AWARE! always and like scripture says *meditate on the word night and day*

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