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Posts posted by bluedreamsgirl

  1. Here is some background information that might help you be able to interpret these dreams I've been having lately. I am a Chrition writer, working on several books currently, One is a first hand account of being homeless-I lived in homeless shelters for 5 months in the begining of 2012, and the rest are Christian romances, and one is a Stephen Kingesque horror story, for the Christian set, of a demon inhabited castle in Ireland, that the young pastor Jim Kelley, must deal with. I've been submitting to agents and have been having no luck, although after reading a review posted by a literary blogger I realize I have been too impatient, because with all the other work they have to do itsa wonder they have time to read our queries at all...

  2. Today we studied Latin, science and algebra. My son is working his through the periodic table. Latin word of the day-casa. Yep. It means house. So casa poeta means the poets house. There are no articles in latin, so you use only the subject and the the verb. He has learned many phrases and can construct sentences on his own now. He was running through best buy the other day exclaiming"ego sum poeta, ego sum poeta!" At least I thought it was funny....

  3. Dear Den, I am not a registered interprepeter, but I prayed about this dream. This is what I think it means. I believe you are correct that the snake was the woman you mentioned. She spat out two people so there would be room for you and another. It seems to me that there is a pattern here. In her jealousy, she wants to destroy, or consume you and a significant other in your life. The two people she spit out could be another man she was infatuated with that she was no longer interested in and someone significant to him, a new girlfriend, perhaps. When women are spurned they can become filled with wrath and when you rejected her attentions she set out to destroy you, emotionally. I believe Lord Chaser is correct in his advice, and I would take it a step further. This woman clearly has a sense of being unlovable and is reacting out of fear and insecurity like Mia said. I think we should pray for her. Pray that shecwill know that God loves her and she is acceptable in His sight, with all her flaws and sin, and wants her to know that only He can heal those deep wounds inside her soul. Whenwe pray for someone it is impossible to fear them for perfect love driveth out fear. I hope this helps.
    In His Love,

  4. You know I am not God and I don't know this man, but there may be more to feelings than he wants to admit. Let me ask you this. Does he find reasons to spend as time, witin reason, to be with you? Has he ever made comments to you in hypothetical situations, like, if I were him I would do such and such? If he has thatbmeans he has already thought about them. And if he has, how personal were they? There is a big difference in someone saying if I were him I'd have made sure you had gas in your car (care and concern), and if I were him I woulda put a ring on that finger of yours by now, or bought you roses for Valentines, or anything with romantic connotations. Another thing he may say if he is thinking of you in a less than sisterly way is, and this has happened to me, what are your views on child raising? Sounds innocent enough on the surface, but really think about it. Now why would He want to know Yourviews on child rearing, or other domestic pursuits.....im not saying any of this is true, im just sayin....

  5. I think you just had one of the clearest prosperity dreams I have ever heard. The bees are commonly dreamt of as prosperity and gain, like busy as bees, and honey is always something good, blessings if you will. The flowers as well, beauty and thriving, unless they are dried or dead. To see the busy bees and honey on top of your head would most likely mean you are being anointed with honey, that is blessings, spiritual or material, or both. The husband, or ex, might be Jesus if she hasn't remarried, remeber husbands often represent God. So to break it down I would tell her your over at Gods house and Heis anointing you with blessings, and he threw in some flowers for good measure. Niiiiccce!

  6. Dear sister, as I read your post, a line in it jumped out at me, like when you are reading scripture and a verse jumps off the page at you and you know that this is important for you, pay attention to it. The line here was "my bother in. Christ". Think about this person. Is he simply someone who is like a brother to you or is there something more? I prayed about this and I think, I could be mistaken but, there is more to this relationship that you may not be aware of. If you elaborate I may be able to interpret it correctly, with the Lords help.

  7. Alright..I just went back and read your comments on more details and this dream is very clear to me. He is Jesus, He is telling you what to do, how to do it and you should start now. The bait is the message, and the frozen ice under 3 inches of water could be the barrier between the people on the other side and the living water above it. I prayed on this and I feel much peace about the meaning.

  8. To me it seems as if this is a very clear message about you winning people to Christ. He said come with me and I will make you fishers of men. The fields are ripe for harvest and the workers are few. You didn't mention bait, which would have led me to believe they were coming so rapidly because they were hungry and what you were feeding them was good, but they were stillcoming, so anxious to be "caught" that they wouldn't even wait. The man could very well have been a representation of Jesus, who called His very first disciples while they were fishing. You hate fishing in rl, but you said this was really fun. I bet in real life you love sharing Jesus with people, and I feel that as you start to do so, people will be coming out of hole in the iceto hear what you have to say. I think the Lord is trying to show you that you have the gift of winning people to Him, an evangelist, perhaps..... I hope you'pray and askHim, is this what it means? He will tell you
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