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Posts posted by Brydie

  1. Actually. ...the rat..was apparently in the bed she was going to sleep in..but didnt actually stay because she was feeling uneasy about what I had said..as it didnt seem right...it was when she realised she left something behind and went back...that she saw the rodent/mouse/rat about to give birth...and thought there would be about 4-5 babies to be born.

  2. Hey guys has been a while.....

    A friend has told me she has had a dream about my house. She said she had slept over at my house. ..maybe was a prayer night...cant recall...while she was here in the dream she said..I told her regarding my husband that I dont trust him. She then said later she went to leave and came back because she forgot something. ...and then saw on my bed there was a rat which had jist given birth...and there was blood on the bed from the messy birth.

    Any ideas please?

  3. Hmmm I don't know, ive definitely taken a huge stance on something. ..which would bring both dreams together. ...and feel there is huge persecutions and repercussions on the issue..... the issue demands of me to be strong in a few areas....I was wondering if this dream and the other above related is a warning not too rush in and back down, as there is yuck in the situation and I will regret rushing in and weakening my stance.....its a big call....I really don't believe I have made the wrong call as I feel God has been revealing the situation to me for almost 2 years and prepared me to be strong in a time when others were unaware of the real situation. ..... there are some minor areas where im trying to decide my stance, ithink this is a warning not too rush in...chickening out haha and giving in...?

  4. Hmmmmmmm yes, perhaps its a much bigger picture............another part of the dream was me minding a ladies child from church, the child walked a tiny distance and was stolen....the lady then proceeded to get mad at me, and I was sad about the child....but it eventually came out that she knew the units around were filled with abductors and bad people and she hadn't helped me get the child safe to start with...towards the end, the child came out of a unit, but I realized by this point that the mum probably knew which unit the child was in, but didn't make attempts to save it...rather blamed me.

    I am involved in children's ministry

  5. Do you think it relates to my mind etc spiritually etc guarding my heart also? It reminds me a little about a situation recently which left me troubled, where I jumped into a conversation which I really should have avoided, but turned out very very blughhhh........ that scene was very separate to the rest of that nights dream which involved people from my church........I guess the situation recently was very separate from my church life also.....but funny enough the rest of the nights dreams I believe gave insight into things below the surface.........ok yep, self control for me it is.....the crow had a nasty taste and so did the conversation. ...blughhhh. .thanks dreamster, I wasnt sure what the crow meant but knew it was foul

  6. Ok so last night I had lots and lots of dreams. Something stand out.

    I was on a trip doing something, going somewhere with people. ..I am assuming with church, maybe not....
    I went into tge supermarket to buy a hot chicken while every1 waited in car....but I was so hungry I started eating the chicken, then sat on the floor eating it....as I ate it was yuck flavoured, very strong....and pulled bits of feathers out at the same time and was like blughh......then I kept eating and was like blughhhh.....and realised it was a crow and was disgusted

  7. Ok...so this an oldie but a goody..ive seen some bits confirmed so now..yeah putting it out 4 confirmation please people's. ..I saw a friends family..but it wasn't really their family..I could see it was partly a ministry im involved with in our church....my friends family plau guitar and are into rock n roll....so in the dream tgey showing me their new jammmin room..I walk in n realise its actually the ministry...tgeres shagpile n rocknroll stuff everywhere, it then leads into a bathroom where a line of toilets with shagpile seatcovers...in the bottom(where you urinate into the bowl) of toilet is posters of some of the leaders..like pinup posters....then dream walks back out to room and me and hubby laying on floor holding hand intimately watching as the mum(could tell wasn't actually real mum of the family, but probably my closest idea to a mum) of family is criticizing a young girl I work with in ministry telling her she didn't feed the dog enough...the girl did do good job...but couldn't win over criticism......

    Revelations thus far....the mother of the ministry was very critical and unforgiving......any ideas on toilets n setup?

  8. Maybe even as simple as being careful and wise around behavior that doesnt line up, hebrews 3 talks about encoyraging one another to stay firm to word...thats staying on guard...because things are not as they seem quite often...be alert to fruit and be on guard as the enemy id on the prowel...The Holy Spirit will clarify which is right and which is not..it will drop perfectly into your spirit as he longs to guide you :-)

  9. Maybe just be alert and careful. .I would assume the beginning could be an indicator to the setting and relation of the second part of the dream. ...obviously the 2nd part is clear some1 is untrustworthy and possibly a bit hmmmm......my thoughts are....just because we/people are in ministry doesn't mean just hand overour luggage/personals/important stuff to anyone. ...I would be guarding our personals...as things that seem familiar are not always what they seem..things that seem safe and known arent always....eg you at house and change....word says be wise as serpants gentle as doves....Daddy God is being faithful at the moment, revealing things that seem to be but are not..traps and snares....in love...always in love-be alert! Guard your heart, mind, soul and calling!

  10. Some key points I can see are...you thought you couldn't. .and you could quite easily...perhaps father is sending help...relax let them help...let them drive..cast some cares perhaps...danger with you daughter/stress related to your daughter...just remember Gods got her, she will be ok....and hey...it seems you will have some relief $ ways....I have had $ dreams before and always received a breakthrough. ..never huge like lottery wins. .but always enough to just break the burden and struggle. ..enough to get through. ...praise him for his help in your circumstances....you can do this!

  11. Some1 may stand to correct me..and im not sure at all..but I think from memory I have read pickup trucks can represent flesh....basement would be about the deep down heart issues....perhaps hes angry? -pushing you around. ..? You would know if this connects with his behaviour to you ever..might be showing he letting flesh rule heart...perhaps could be indicative of upcoming outburst...which results in him having to let go of flesh in the midst of an outburst....maybe landing in lake is good/cleansing (not totally sure on that bit/guess depends on clarity of lake..if clogged weeds n mud no lol..might mean ends in trickier spot)...but good news is...he learns at end & abandons ship!
    Up to you..you will know if connects or not :-) probably good 2 know just move things around(eg. Cars). ..dont resist...cos Gods got it :-)
    If isnt flesh could be lifechoices

  12. Yes I believe you are right...in light of the situations circumstances, I thought the dream meant an attack on the church...I was torn as a friend who has led a beautiful ministry and is a beautiful person has held on to a great deal of resentment and unforgiveness which latley has resulted in the self destruction of her ministry...so the unwillingness to soften her heart unto this death may have been the dream....and also a major pinnacle point was seeing this anger and unforgiveness play out towards our pastors wife recently. ..for which I felt prepared and warned to support the pastor as it appeared the anger and unforgiveness was an attack similar to the dream...for which I knew I could not bystand and watch happen without trying to protect her.....I am amazed at our fathers faithfulness, out of a large group of unaware brothers and sisters ...I was one of 2 who could see the vulnerability and see through the attack to try and help support the pastor......wow the enemy makes some cheap and nasty low shots....Thank goodness for grace 4 the body...wish people would wake up!!
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