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Posts posted by jennifer.hurd.9

  1. The dream may have represented the break up I just had cuz The Lord was telling me in that relationship that I should break up with him and I didn't listen to God I convinced myself it wasn't God saying that until I could not ignore God anymore and I ended it. So your interpretation makes ALOT of sense if it represents what I went through with my ex. Actually that may be exactly what the dream meant maybe god was showing me what I just went through. Cuz like I said I've been on track since then with God and have been drawing closer to him. Actually that dream I had prior to this one about the name on the screen might have been my ex name cuz his name was Jason. Maybe God was warning me about that idk

  2. Well honestly I don't have any major temptations that I'm dealing with. On the contrary I've been getting closer to God....praying more reading the word more worshiping more. I did break up with a boyfriend this past Saturday in which we did fall into sin and that's why I broke up with him. But I've been getting closer to God since then and The Lord has been telling me to move since like 2 yrs ago. But this year he has given me confirmation after confirmation. And he has opened the door for me to move this summer. The only thing right now that I'm going through is the desire to meet right man and get married. But I have been pushing myself to seek God more and more so that desire doesn't distract me from putting God as my priority. Entertainment....tv is something I do watch alot of too though and I'm slowly pushing myself to watch less and less of it. So I wouldn't say I'm ignoring him cause I have been pushing to let go of that. I'm just not completely there yet. As far as the big black guy....honestly I wouldn't say that was God actually the big black guy looked like that famous black guy that played in the movie green mile lol I wouldn't say I'm comfortable with black men....I don't really know any and have never been in a relationship with one.....besides friendship of course. So thanks for that dream interpretation but not sure if that totally makes sense to me yet. Cause I've been getting closer to God and he has been blessing me.

  3. Had a dream...think it may be my future husband but i had a dream last night I was on a city bus and the driver was big black muscular guy that looked in his 50's and he was trying to hit on me. I don't remember what he was saying but I laughed him off. I do remember him knowing I was a Christian and that it was hard for him cuz all these Christian men were falling at my feet or something like that....and
    Then my eyes went to this black man that was sitting in front of me. He had lil dreads and they went down to his shoulder. And his dreads were half up and half down. He was cute. I remember their was this girl in front of him. He was talking to me I don't remember what he said but I remember the bus driver being kinda upset cause I was liking talking to this guy in front of me and not him. Next thing I remember I'm standing on a highway. Looking over the edge and he is in front on me but like on another part of highway. I remember really wanting to get to know this guy and being really interested in him. And he was interested in me too and he said his name was Johnny apple tree or apple seed or something that had the word apple lol I remember asking saying in my mind I want him to ask me out. I don't remember if he did but he starts walking away and I asked him how long he has lived here. By the way it looked like I was in NYC. Or maybe it coulda just represented the state of Ny. And he said I've lived here for 6 yrs. then he walked away and I remember thinking in my mind about jacksonville and I thought to myself is he from jacksonville? Would he move to jacksonville? And i asked that cuz god has been leading me to jacksonville florida. Then the dream ended. But the crazy thing is I had a dream months ago that I was in church and their was a big screen in front of church. I looked at the screen and their was dashes like this: _ _ _ _ _ _.....idk if their was 5 or 6 dashes but I remember the first letter was a J....which is crazy cuz in that dream I was thinking that j word could possible be the name of my future husband.....what do I think it means?

  4. Had a dream...think it may be my future husband but i had a dream last night I was on a city bus and the driver was big black muscular guy that looked in his 50's and he was trying to hit on me. I don't remember what he was saying but I laughed him off. I do remember him knowing I was a Christian and that it was hard for him cuz all these Christian men were falling at my feet or something like that....and
    Then my eyes went to this black man that was sitting in front of me. He had lil dreads and they went down to his shoulder. And his dreads were half up and half down. He was cute. I remember their was this girl in front of him. He was talking to me I don't remember what he said but I remember the bus driver being kinda upset cause I was liking talking to this guy in front of me and not him. Next thing I remember I'm standing on a highway. Looking over the edge and he is in front on me but like on another part of highway. I remember really wanting to get to know this guy and being really interested in him. And he was interested in me too and he said his name was Johnny apple tree or apple seed or something that had the word apple lol I remember asking saying in my mind I want him to ask me out. I don't remember if he did but he starts walking away and I asked him how long he has lived here. By the way it looked like I was in NYC. Or maybe it coulda just represented the state of Ny. And he said I've lived here for 6 yrs. then he walked away and I remember thinking in my mind about jacksonville and I thought to myself is he from jacksonville? Would he move to jacksonville? And i asked that cuz god has been leading me to jacksonville florida. Then the dream ended. But the crazy thing is I had a dream months ago that I was in church and their was a big screen in front of church. I looked at the screen and their was dashes like this: _ _ _ _ _ _.....idk if their was 5 or 6 dashes but I remember the first letter was a J....which is crazy cuz in that dream I was thinking that j word could possible be the name of my future husband.....what do I think it means?

  5. Had a dream...think it may be my future husband but i had a dream last night I was on a city bus and the driver was big black muscular guy that looked in his 50's and he was trying to hit on me. I don't remember what he was saying but I laughed him off. I do remember him knowing I was a Christian and that it was hard for him cuz all these Christian men were falling at my feet or something like that....and
    Then my eyes went to this black man that was sitting in front of me. He had lil dreads and they went down to his shoulder. And his dreads were half up and half down. He was cute. I remember their was this girl in front of him. He was talking to me I don't remember what he said but I remember the bus driver being kinda upset cause I was liking talking to this guy in front of me and not him. Next thing I remember I'm standing on a highway. Looking over the edge and he is in front on me but like on another part of highway. I remember really wanting to get to know this guy and being really interested in him. And he was interested in me too and he said his name was Johnny apple tree or apple seed or something that had the word apple lol I remember asking saying in my mind I want him to ask me out. I don't remember if he did but he starts walking away and I asked him how long he has lived here. By the way it looked like I was in NYC. Or maybe it coulda just represented the state of Ny. And he said I've lived here for 6 yrs. then he walked away and I remember thinking in my mind about jacksonville and I thought to myself is he from jacksonville? Would he move to jacksonville? And i asked that cuz god has been leading me to jacksonville florida. Then the dream ended. But the crazy thing is I had a dream months ago that I was in church and their was a big screen in front of church. I looked at the screen and their was dashes like this: _ _ _ _ _ _.....idk if their was 5 or 6 dashes but I remember the first letter was a J....which is crazy cuz in that dream I was thinking that j word could possible be the name of my future husband.....what do I think it means?

  6. Hi my name is Jennifer and I'm new here. This is my first time askin for a dream interpretation but it's really bothering me. First of all lately I been doubting my relationship with my boyfriend. I been asking god if he is really the right guy for me. Anyway in my dream Inwas in my home. My whole house was dark and I was suffocating. In the dream I felt like I was being choked by a demonic force because I could not speak...I was just suffocating. In the dream I tried to first turn on my bedroom light and it would not turn on....then I tried turning on the hallway light and again it would not turn on. I was confused because I knew the light worked and because I knew it worked I could not understand why the light wouldn't turn on. I briefly said the name of Jesus in my head cause I was in the dark being suffocated and I was fearful. I kept trying to turn on light but nothing. I went back to my room and there were lights on my wall that were shining over my bed and at the sight of that I was relieved because I felt a little better now that I was not surrounded by darkness. I picked up my phone on my bed and said to myself I'm going to call my boyfriend and ask to stay with him because I'm scared and leaving my house and staying with him will make me feel safer. But as the phone was ringing I woke up before he answered. When I woke up he text me and the dream is still bothering me. I feel it means something but I'm not exactly sure. Please help
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