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John harris

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Posts posted by John harris

  1. I feel something big is going to happen to my life its weird and hard to understand how god reaches to me visions ' signs numbers everything I no I just no god is going to bless me and my family. god willing, in the numbers I seen in ma dream a interpreter said about it

    Owl - wisdom
    2 - multiplication or division
    16- established new beginnings

    those is the meaning to ma dreamnumber

  2. In my dream I was in the middle of the desert. & i was in the car with who knows. But the car I was in it was facing the abandon house in this was ,bright day light, but on the right side of the house it was a dry tree in as I lookd it was a big owl n the middle of the tree looking at me n lookd away n flew away but plz tell me what yu think about this nobody really helpd me out on this

  3. Every since this dream strange stuff been happening but I been studying about da owl in it was a phase it was this

    The Owls also symbolise the balance of the number two. The querent can be reassured that their problems will be overcome but may also need to be aware that what is happening in the outer world may be a reflection of a deeper, inner need . A signal to slow down and take some time out to rest and rejuvenate , a lesson in patience or overcoming fear.

    See in I seen the number to in one of ma visions n on top of that I seen the same owl last night web I was driving in it floor up by my car but I don't no I think no I no a major change is on its way ... A blessing

  4. Ok my weird dream in I had knew it was a message from god.... So this is ma dream. Now in this dream me in another person Was seating in the car face this old house in the desert with this big dead tree no leaves on it just branches . I'm in the drivers seat n I DNT no who the other person was n the passenger . But after that after I look a lil harder towards the tree it was a big owl bigger then the ones in real life .
    I just wanna no what's this message about
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