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Posts posted by Sweetsong723

  1. I was in a house with my family and my grandchildren. I was taking one grandchild into another room when he told me that there was a spider on the wall. When I turned and looked, it was a huge black spider, about the size of a truck tire on the wall to the left of us. I was terrified so I got the both of us out of there immediately.

    I was shortly afterward, in the living room with the rest of the family, when I saw a huge black snake facing us from the other end of the room. His head was the size of a man's and rectangular in shape. His body was also rectangular, as apposed to cylinder shaped, and its skin was thick with leather -like scales. The snake looked at us ferociously and began to pursue us. Screaming, we maneuvered away from it and managed to get away from it, again. leaving the house.

    In the next scene, we were outside of the house, needing to get back in. I realized, somehow that an intruder had been going into the house, so they must have stolen a set of keys. As i turned the lock and opened the door, I was met by a big black dog as he growled and showed all of his teeth. This dog was chained, so it could not comr past the threshold, but I could not get back into the house.

    Does anyone have an idea what this dream might mean?

  2. My name is SweetSong723 and I am happy to be a new member of this site. I am looking forward to learning more about my gift of dreams and visions, so that I my use it to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Feel free to send me a message. I am looking forward to getting to know you all.


  3. Hello everyone!

    I am Sweetsong723, and I am a new member to the site. I have read your teaching on dreams and visions and am very interested in getting a better understanding. I have had dreams and visions since I became a believer in 1972. My daughter is also a dreamer. I have read several books on interpretation as well. It is good to belong to a group of like-minded people who could help me to better understand this gift. I want Christ to be glorified in all I do, think and say. Thanks so much for this ministry.

    My question is about dream colors. I had a dream where the color yellow was very significant. I was in my childhood church and all of the furniture, along with the curtains were yellow. After the service, the pastor made a phone call to the people who had delivered the furniture, complaining that it was bedroom furniture, with dressers. The only one who seemed to be disturbed at the fact that everything was yellow, was myself.

    Do you have any information on colors in dreams?


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